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This year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) runs from May 16, 2001 till May 19, 2001 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The show is broken up as follows:

Exposition: May 17-19, 2001
Conferences: May 16-18, 2001

I am putting up what I have for now. The last days pages will be added tomorrow. I will also put some pics up as well.

While I'm there I will be taking as many pictures I can. I will post some of them with these pages. But thanks to the limited amount of space here I won't be able to include them all online. That's why I am offering a CD containing these web pages plus ALL the pics I take while I'm at E3. I will be asking just $9.95 including shipping ($5.95 + shipping if you are not in the US or Canada) for the disc. If you want one then send me the money using PayPal. I will ship to the address you use in PayPal. If for some reason you can't use PayPal, use the Amazon Payment system at the top of this page and send me an e-mail telling me who you are, that you used the Amazon system (so I can verify it) and your shipping address. I will mail the CDs using USPS Priority with tracking so we can both check the shipping status.

I prefer PayPal, the #1 payment service in online auctions!

OK, while I was at E3 I took about 235 pictures. They are all 640x480x24. If you want to see some of them then click HERE. I didn't get any video demos but I will D/L a bunch of "media only" from web news sites and include them. I also have a few from GOD games that I will include. There is 845+ MB of stuff spread out over 2 CDs. So now you have a better idea on what it on the disc and can decide if you want them or not.

Within this site you will find my reviews of all the things I saw and played. Just select a section you want to read more about and begin your journy into my twisted minddd.... uh.. ok.. just click on where you want to go. :)

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