Deep Space 9 & Voyager Weapons
Phaser Compression Rifle
EVA Phaser Rifle
Isomagnetic Disintigrator
TR-116 Projectile Rifle
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A recent development, carried on newer starships such as the USS Voyager.  This has an improved targeting light, two power clips and a new-design split emitter.  It would now appear that the design was in use in at least 2367, after the model was seen on the Nova-class USS Equinox in "Equinox"
Specially designed for the use with environment suits, the EVA rifle has two pistol-grips and no trigger-guard for ease of handling, as well as magnetised areas for securing in zero-gravity conditions.

The spacesuits have since been used in Star Trek: Voyager - but not the phaser rifle.
Shoulder-mounted large-calibre energy weapon.  Used by Worf in Star Trek: Insurrection, this fires a large purple bolt.  Presumably it was carried on one of those llamas until needed, but you have to wonder...Mentioned in the original synopsis leaked in March 1998, this was also referred to by name in a scene on the Captain's Yacht, which leaves on wondering what 'Tetryon Pulse Launchers' are.
An experimental weapon developed by Starfleet Security.  It fires tritanium projectiles propelled by expanding gases from a chemical detonation.  This rifle was designed for use in areas of high EM interference (whether artificial or natural) that would render phasers useless, but was dropped in favour of regenerative phasers.  Access to the replicator pattern for this design is restricted to Starfleet officers.