這是喝酒的結果---醉茫茫,不知性別!被偷腎臟...//// 酒醉嘔吐,壽星成植物人

                  "請將這個故事轉達給你所愛的人, 你所關心的人, 與所有你認識的人" --希望你是這個仁慈又好心的人



Hi, guys, 哈囉, 各位, Take care of yourself. This is actually serious.... please read!! 自己小心點, 這真的很嚴重, 請閱讀下面的文章. 

This story came from the "DailyTexan" - the University ofTexas newspaper. Apparently it occured during Fall Premier -- a UT tradition that is a celebration of the end of midterms. "Reason to not party anymore" 

這故事是登在 "每日德州人" (德州大學的報紙) 上. 明顯地是發生在秋季時的Fall Premier - 德州大學慶祝期中考結束時的 傳統, 為的是再也沒有慶祝了 (譯者日: 大概是因為再來就是期末考了吧. :)

 This guy went out last Saturday night to a party. He was having a good time, had a couple of beers and some girl seemed to like him and invited him to go to another party. He quickly agreed and decided to go along with her. She took him to a party in some apartment and they continued to drink, and even got involved with some other drugs (unknown which). 

這個男的去參加上星期六晚上的慶祝. 他覺得很快樂, 喝了很多酒, 而且有些女孩對他有興趣, 於是邀請他參加另一個慶祝會. 他很快的 就答應了, 並且自己一個與女孩們同去. 慶祝會是在另一樓公寓. 他們 繼續地喝酒, 並吃了一些不知名的藥. 

The next thing he knew, he woke up completely naked in a bathtub filled with ice. He was still feeling the effects of the drugs, but looked around to see he was alone. He looked down at his chest, which had "CALL 911 OR YOU WILL DIE" written on it in lipstick. He saw a phone was on a stand next to the tub, so he picked it up and dialed. He explained to the EMS operator what the situation was and that he didn't know where he was, what he took, or why he was really calling. She advised him to get out of the tub. He did, and she asked him to look himself over in the mirror. He did, and appeared normal, so she told him to check his back. He did, only to find two 9 inch slits on his lower back. She told him to get back in the tub immediately, and they sent a rescue team over. 

等他再醒來, 發現他全身赤裸地躺在浴缸中, 而且浴缸裡滿滿的 都是冰. 藥效仍然沒完全退去, 不過他看了看四週, 發現只有他一個人. 他看了自己的胸部, 發現上面用口紅寫了 "打911, 否則你會死". (譯者 曰: 911就是台灣的119). 他接著看到了一支電話就在浴缸旁, 於是他就打 了 電話到911去. 他向EMS(Emergency Service? 急救服務?)說明目前的情況 , 並表示他不知道自己在何處, 他吃了什麼, 與他為什麼要打這電話. EMS建議他離開浴缸, 並照照鏡子, 他照做了, 並無發現任何異狀. EMS再建議他檢查自己的背, 而他只發現了兩條九英寸長的切割傷口 在 背部下方. EMS要他馬上躺回滿是冰的浴缸, 並馬上派一組急救隊來. 

Apparently, after being examined, he found out more of what had happened. His kidneys were stolen. They are worth 10,000 dollars each on the black market. (I was unaware this even existed.) Several guesses are in order: The second party was a sham, the people involved had to be at least medical students, and it was not just recreational drugs he was given. Regardless, he is currently in the hospital on life support, awaiting a spare kidney. 

在仔細檢查之後, 明顯地, 他發現事實超出預期. 他的腎臟被偷了! 在黑市裡, 一對腎臟值10,000美元!! (我以前從不知道這事實). 這件事可能是: 第二個慶祝會是個騙局, 參與的人中至少有醫學院學 生. 被害人所吃的藥也可能不只是單純的迷幻藥. 不管如何, 被害人現在正躺在醫院裡靠維生系統過活, 並且等待腎臟的捐贈. 

The University of Texas in conjunction with Baylor University Medical Center is conducting tissue research to match the sophomore student with a donor. I wish to warn you about a new crime ring that is targeting business travelers. This ring is well organized, well funded, has very skilled personnel, and is currently in most major cities and recently very active in New Orleans. 

德州大學正與拜爾大學醫學中心合作, 在尋找這個j四學生的腎臟. (譯者日: 原意是從事組織研究以找出與受害者 - 大四學生 - 腎臟相符 的人) 我希望警告你們, 一種新型態的犯罪正在發生, 並且以旅行者為目標. 這個犯罪組織很有規模, 有錢, 並且有訓練有素的人員. 這犯罪行為正發生在絕大多數的主要城主, 最近尤其是在新奧爾蘭. 

The crime begins when a business traveler goes to a lounge for a drink at the end of the work day. A person in the bar walks up as they sit alone and offers to buy them a drink. The last thing the traveler remembers until they wake up in a hotel room bath tub, their body submerged to their neck in ice, is sipping that drink. There is a note taped to the wall instructing them not to move and to call 911. A phone is on a small table next to the bathtub for them to call. The business traveler calls 911 who have become quite familiar with this crime. The business traveler is instructed by the 911 operator to very slowly and carefully reach behind them and feel if there is a tube protruding from their lower back. The business traveler finds the tube and answers, "Yes." The 911 operator tells them to remain still, having already sent paramedics to help. The operator knows that both of the business traveler's kidneys have been harvested. 

犯罪過程往往從旅行者一整天工作完後, 晚上到酒館喝酒開始. 有陌生人從吧台走過 來, 好像他是單獨的一人, 並且請旅行者喝酒. 最後就是旅行者發現自己躺在旅館的 浴缸中, 頸部以下全埋在冰塊中 , 而旅行者只記得他在喝小酒. 浴缸旁的牆上有紙片貼著, 並寫著要旅 行 者不要動, 打電話給911. 而電話就在浴缸旁的小桌子上, 以方便旅行者 打電話. 打到911後, 911很熟悉這類的犯罪方法, 便請旅行者小心, 並慢 慢 的觸摸他的背部下 方, 是否有管子突出. 如果有, 911會要求他保持不 動, 並派人來求援. 911知道這位旅行者的腎臟被取走了. 

This is not a scam or out of a science fiction novel, it is real. It is documented and confirmable. If you travel or someone close to you travels, please be careful. Sadly, this is very true. My husband is a Houston Firefighter/EMT and they have received alerts regarding this crime ring. It is to be taken very seriously. The daughter of a friend of a fellow firefighter had this happen to her. Skilled doctor's are performing these crimes! (which, by the way have been highly noted in the Las Vegas area). Additionally, the military has received alerts regarding this. 

這不是惡作劇的故事, 也不是超科幻小說, 這是真實的故事. 這故事被紀錄並被當事人確認過的. 當你在旅行時, 有陌生人靠近時, 請務必小心. 很遺憾, 這是真的. 我先生是奧斯汀的救火隊隊員, 也是急 救員. 他們接到了有關這方面有組織的犯罪的消息, 這是很嚴重的. 一位消防隊朋友的女兒也遭到了這不幸, 而有專業技術的醫生參與其 中! (在拉斯維加斯地區, 這一點被強調). 此外, 軍方也接到了這方面的警 告. 

This story blew me away. I really want as many people to see this as possible.

 這事離我很近(?? 這句有問題), 我真的希望很更多的人能知道這件事. 

Ok, so the next line of the story would be "so you have to forward it to anyone you love, anyone you care, anyone you know!" and when you are such a kind and simple hearted person would you do as it says? Do you think you would really have a strong desire to forward this story to others? 

所以這故事的最後一句應該是 "請將這個故事轉達給你所愛的人, 你所關心的人, 與所有你認識的人" 你願意做到這一點嗎? 你有強烈欲望想要告訴其他人這個故事嗎? 希望你是這個仁慈又好心的人. -- 林志銘 [momo@m2.dj.net.tw

(以上內容轉載自 NOVA 電子報 http://www.nova.net.tw)

酒醉嘔吐 壽星成植物人

(中央社記者程啟峰高雄五日電) 一名年輕壽星在慶生會中不勝酒力,醉酒嘔吐而嗆入氣管,不幸因嘔吐物阻塞呼吸道造成腦部缺氧, 送醫竟成為植物人。醫師指出,類似樂極生悲病例不勝枚舉,貪杯者宜引以為戒。 平日極少飲酒的鄭姓男子在一次慶祝生日餐會,開懷暢飲,迅即不勝酒力,醉倒嘔吐,不料嘔吐物阻塞住呼吸道,造成腦部缺氧壞死, 送高雄醫學大學附設醫院急救,不幸成為植物人,終身遺憾。另有一名男子慶祝職務升官,席間在同事長官祝賀下,不勝酒力嘔吐而嗆 到,因未及時送醫,竟然當場死亡。

 高雄醫學大學附設醫院急診室表示,一般人嘔吐是反射動作,但酒醉昏睡時,中樞神經抑制反射作用,經常造成嘔吐物吸入阻塞 呼吸道,導致腦部缺氧,三數分鐘內未及時急救,就可能成為植物人或死亡;酒力不佳及缺乏新陳代謝者,最好不要貪杯,若被 酒醉嘔吐嗆到,可施予腹壓急救法,將阻塞物排出,或儘快就醫以插管急救。 高醫腫瘤外科醫師沈柏青指出,酗酒傷肝又傷胃,不僅易引起腫瘤,也易發生意外死亡,酒後嘔吐嗆死或酒後駕車肇事造成傷亡 時有所聞。


一者,失財. 二者,生病. 三者,鬧事. 四者,惡名流布. 五者,恚怒暴生. 六者,智慧日損.


酒為毒氣,主成諸惡.王道毀,仁澤滅,臣慢上,忠敬朽.父失禮, 母失慈,子兇逆,孝道敗.夫失信,婦奢淫.九族諍,財產耗.



佛說: 人於世間,喜飲酒醉,得三十六失.何等三十六失?



