Experts Support Human Cloning

My Analysis
UK scientists in this article are backing human cloning although not to produce a baby. They believe that they should be able to carry out a limited amount of research into the controversial issue, all for the benefit of mankind and the medical world.

They would like to be able to:
Investigate the possible new treatments for                      diseases at the moment incurable such as                         Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's Disease.
Help women who are at risk of passing on                        rare disorders because of problems with their eggs.
Experiment with cloning only when there is                     no other cure

They say that the following should not be allowed:
Crossing of two different species
Cloning to make a baby

Just recently there has been a type of cell that exists called the “Master” cell which when only a few days old can be turned into almost any type of tissue including muscle and bone. This new discovery is central to the curing of many disease.

The language in this article is quite difficult to understand in some places as it contains quite a lot of scientific fact that has not been simplified down so that non scientists can understand it.

I am not sure on the credibility of the article but one would assume it was fact.

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