
Do you have videos from church (youth activities, talanoa ma‘ae fanau, malanga, or anything else? If you have put them up on YouTube or elsewhere), e-mail (correct the obvious error in the address before you push "Send") me a link (embedded or not; it doesn't matter); or, if the video is not yet online, see me about making a DVD copy or finding another way to get it to me.

Seionala Holani’s Talanoa ma‘ae Fanau
on June 22, 2008

‘Eseta Fine’s Talanoa ma‘ae Fanau
on July 13, 2008

Kalisi Fine’s Talanoa ma‘ae Fanau
on August 17, 2008

Siosaia Fonongaloa Sings for the Talanoa ma‘ae Fanau
on September 14, 2008

Loviena Thomas's Malanga Pole‘o
on December 31, 2008

Part 2 of Va‘ati Fine’s Talanoa ma‘ae Fanau
of January 18, 2009

(Click here for Part 1)
