
Table of Contents
The Ten Commandments for Computer Ethics           by Arlene Rinaldi
User Guidelines and Netiquette Index           by Arlene Rinaldi
Emoticons (Smileys)

Other Netiquette Web Sites
Newbie Home Page - Albian Books
The Chat Chapter (Michael Lehman)
The Core Rules of Netiquette (Virginia Shea)
The Internet Acronym Server
Internet Literacy Consultants (ILC) Glossary of Internet Terms

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The Ten Commandments for Computer Ethics
  1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
  2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.
  3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.
  4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
  5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
  6. Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
  7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization.
  8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
  9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write.
  10. Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.

Permission to duplicate or distribute this document is granted with the provision that the document remains intact or if used in sections, that the original document source be referenced. URL =

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User Guidelines and Netiquette

Permission to duplicate or distribute this document is granted with the provision that the document remains intact or if used in sections, that the original document source be referenced. URL =

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AFAIK as far as I know LMK let me know
AFK away from key board LOL laughing out load
ATM at the moment MHBFY my heart bleeds for you
BBFN bye bye for now MHOTY my hat's off to you
BFN bye for now NRN no reply necessary
< bg > big grin NRSVP please do not reply
BRB be right back NTYHMI now that you have mentioned it
BTDTGTS been there, done that, got the t-shirt OIC oh, I see
BTW by the way OOI out of interest
CWYL chat with you later OOTB out of the box (brand new)
DARFC ducking and running for cover OTF on the floor (laughing)
DD darling daughterOTHover the hill
DH dearest hubbyOTOHon the other hand
DINC double income, no childrenOTPon the phone
DIY do It yourselfPCTKBpot calling the kettle black
DS darling son PDApublic display of affection
FAQ frequently asked questionsPMFJIpardon me for jumping in
FWIW for what it's worthPOVpoint of view
FYI for your information PWPplot? what plot?
< g > grinRFCrequest for comment
GAL get a lifeROTFLOLrolling on the floor laughing out loud
GIGO garbage in, garbage out RTFAQread the FAQ
GIWIST gee, I wish I'd said thatRTMread the manual
GR&D grinning, running, and duckingSCNRsorry, could not resist
HAND have a nice daySFAIAAso far as I am aware
HEA happily ever afterSITDstill in the dark
HHOK ha ha, only kiddingSOLshort on luck
HTH hope this helpsTANSTAAFLthere ain't no such thing as a free lunch
HTHBE hope this has been enlighteningTBR to be read
IAE in any eventTIAthanks in advance
IANAL I am not a lawyerTICtongue in cheek
IC I see TLFto look for
ICBW I could be wrongTSTLtoo stupid to live
ID-10-T response to an extremely obvious technological question
"That is an ID-10-T and I can help you solve that." (idiot)
TTFN ta-ta for now
IIRC If I recall correctlyTTYLtalk to you later
IMAO in my arrogant opinionTYVMthank you very much
IME in my experienceTWIMCto whom it may concern
IMHO in my humble opinionUyou
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion< vbg >very big grin
IMO in my opinion< veg >very evil grin
IMVHO in my very humble opinionWIPwork in progress
IOW in other wordsWRTwith regards to
IRL in real lifeWTH what the heck
IRMFI I reply merely for informationWYMM will you marry me?
ISTR I seem to recallWYSIAYG what you see is all you get
ISWYM I see what you meanWYSIWYGwhat you see is what you get
ITA I totally agreeYwhy
ITRW in the real worldYKYHBxTLWyou know you have been x too long when

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Emoticons (Smileys)

:-) or :) happy face with or without the nose O :-) an angel
:-( or :( sad face with or without the nose C=:-) a chef
;-) or ;) a wink with or without the nose :-~) having a cold
:-D very big smile or laughing :-X lips are sealed
:-I indifferent (Hmmm...) :-{} wearing lipstick
:'-( crying :-{) wearing a mustache
:'-) crying due to happiness :-# wearing braces
:-P sticking tongue out ::-) wearing glasses
:-O yelling 8-) wearing sunglasses
:-@ screaming 8:-) sunglasses on head
|-I sleeping B-) horn-rimmed glasses
|-O snoring or yawning {}hugs
(-: left-handed :-*kisses

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I *loved* that book!the asterisks may be used in place of bold
I LOVED THAT BOOK!!all capitals gives greater emphasis, but use sparingly as it makes an entire message difficult to read
I *LOVED* THAT BOOK!!combination of asterisks and capitals provides the greatest emphasis

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Changes last made on: Wednesday, May 30, 2007
This page accessed Counter times since September 5, 1999.