LOELOERAAI TONKINESE - "Breeder of South Africa's FIRST, Pedigree Tonkinese"



*** South African Tonkinese have now attained FULL Championship Status***

General Type Standard

The Tonkinese should be of medium build and foreign type. The body should be firm and muscular with the head, body, legs, feet and tail in proportion to give a well-balanced appearance. Due to the unique genetics of the Tonkinese, there are three coat patterns - The Pointed pattern (description as for other pointed breeds, see elsewhere in this SOP), The Solid pattern (description as for the Burmese breed, see elsewhere in this SOP) and The Mink pattern, which is unique, neither pointed nor solid. The ears, mask, feet and tail should be darker in tone, shading to a lighter expression of the same colour on the body. The cat should be even-tempered and of good weight for its size. Tonkinese can be late developers, coming to their best around two years old.

HEAD: The top should be gently rounded with good width between the ears, a moderately proportioned wedge with a muzzle that is neither pointed nor square and a definite but not exaggerated whisker pinch. In profile there should be a slight nose break leading down to a level bite and a chin of medium depth.

EARS: Medium size, slightly taller than wide, pricked forward, with broad base and oval tips. Base equally balanced between side and top of head, with the outer line continuing the line of the wedge.

EYES: Large and expressive, almond shaped rather than round and set well apart. The top line of the eye is slanted down towards the nose; the lower line of the eye is rounded.

EYE COLOUR: Pointed pattern - clear blue. Solid pattern - yellow to green. Mink pattern - any shade of greenish-blue or bluish-green is acceptable. The eye colour in all Tonkinese may vary in intensity depending upon the influence of the light and the mood of the cat. Incomplete development of eye colour may be found in kittens and young cats.

BODY: Medium to long, well balanced, firm and muscular. Chest slightly rounded, flanks level, back rising gently from shoulders to rump.

LEGS: Legs slender and well muscled, the hind legs slightly longer than the front.

PAWS: Paws neat and oval in shape.

TAIL: Tapering tail of medium length, neither thick nor whippy.

COAT: Close lying and short. Fine, soft and silky with a lustrous sheen.

COLOUR: The Mink coat pattern is unique. It is expressed as a subtle merging of toning colour from the darker ears, mask, legs, feet and tail to the lighter body colour, and is quite different to a self or pointed pattern. It is important that the difference between the points and body colour is not sharply defined. The legs and feet may be paler than the other points but should match in tone. The body colour should lighten gradually towards the under parts. The body should be free of tabby markings in non-tabby adults and the colour will pale towards the roots of the hair (coat pattern in kittens may develop slowly and may show some slight tabby markings, which should not be faulted).

The pointed pattern follow the description of the other pointed breeds.

The solid pattern follow the description of the Burmese coat pattern and colours.

The Tabby variety followsthe description of theAsian tabby with Burmese restriction coat pattern and colours.


Type and Shape (50)

Head 20

Ears 05

Eye Shape 05

Eye Colour 10

Body 10

Legs and Feet 05

Coat and Colour (40)

Tail 05

Coat Colour and Pattern20

Coat Texture 10

Condition 05

Temperament 05



I. Miniaturisation

2. White patches anywhere.




Note:Allowable outcrosses: Siamese & Burmese. Kittens born from a first generation Siamese/Burmese mating are also registered as Tonkinese.


1. Tabby or ghost tabby markings in non-tabby adults.

2. Incorrect eye colour.

3. Round eyes.

4. Long narrow wedge or very short wedge

5. Straight profile or pronounced nose break

6. Any defect as listed in the preface to the SOP booklet.



The body should be a lighter shade of the points colour and be free of tabby markings. The legs and feet may be a lighter shade of the other points colour but the points and body colour should match in tone. In all solid colours the leather of the paw pads may be lighter than the nose leather and may have a rosy undertone. Note: (ghost tabby markings may be found on the points of Red, Cream and Apricot adults and should not detract from an otherwise good cat)

BROWN MINK: (05Mp) Warm brown body colour merging with darker brown points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads brown.

BLUE MINK: (06Mp) Bluish-grey body colour, which may have warm undertones, merging with darker slate-grey points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads blue-grey.

CHOCOLATE MINK: (07Mp)Any shade of warm chocolate body colour merging with darker chocolate points, the colour in lighter chocolates may take longer to develop. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads chocolate.

LILAC MINK: (08Mp) Warm lilac body colour merging with darker lilac points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pinkish grey.

CINNAMON MINK: (09Mp) Warm cinnamon brown body colour merging with darker cinnamon points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink to cinnamon brown.

FAWN MINK: (10Mp) Warm rosy mushroom fawn body colour merging with darker fawn points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pinkish fawn.

CARAMEL MINK: (11Mp) Any shade of cool-toned bluish-fawn body colour merging with darker bluish-fawn points. Nose leather. eye rims and paw pads bluish-fawn.

RED MINK: (12Mp) Light red body colour merging with darker red points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink. Note: freckles may appear on the nose leather, eye rims, lips, paw pads and ears and should not be penalised.

CREAM MINK: (13Mp) Pale cool-toned cream body colour merging with darker cream points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink. Note: freckles may appear on nose leather, eye rims, lips, paw pads and ears and should not be penalised.

APRICOT MINK: (14Mp) Hot cream body colour merging with darker hot cream points showing a fawn undertone, with a metallic sheen that is more noticeable with maturity. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink. Note: Freckles may appear on the nose leather, eye rims, lips, paw pads and ears and shouldn't be penalised.


The base colour should be brown, blue, chocolate, lilac or caramel that has been well broken with varying shades of red, cream or apricot and is free from tabby markings. Any large areas of red, cream or apricot may show some tabby markings. The distribution of colour on the points is immaterial. The base colour on the points should be darker than the base colour on the body, although the legs and feet may be paler than the other points. The colour on the points and body should match in tone but may not merge evenly.

BROWN TORTIE MINK: (15Mp) Warm brown well broken with varying shades of red. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads brown and or pink.

BLUE TORTIE MINK: (16Mp) Bluish-grey well broken with varying shades of cream. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads blue and or pink.

CHOCOLATE TORTIE MINK: (17Mp) Any shade of warm chocolate well broken with varying shades of red. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads chocolate and or pink.

LILAC TORTIE MINK: (18Mp) Warm lilac well broken with varying shades of cream. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads lilac and or pink.

CINNAMON TORTIE MINK: (19Mp) Warm cinnamon brown well broken with varying shades of red. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink to cinnamon brown.

FAWN TORTIE MINK: (20Mp) Warm rosy mushroom well broken with varying shades of cream. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pinkish fawn.

CARAMELTORTIE MINK: (21Mp) Any shade of cool toned bluish-fawn well broken with varying shades of apricot. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads bluish-fawn and or pink.


The tabby pattern is formed by markings of the solid pattern colour on a background of agouti hairs. The pattern may be ticked, mackerel, spotted or classic/marbled. The points markings should show vivid contrast with the background colour, but may be less contrasting in the dilute colours (Blue, Lilac, Caramel, Cream and Apricot) and may be paler on the legs than on the other points. The colour of the markings on the points and body should match in tone. Tabbies in the dilute colours will be lighter in tone than the equivalent solid colour. The markings can take longer to develop in Reds, Creams and Apricots. The points do not merge with the body colour as they do in non-tabby patterns but the markings on the points should be darker than the markings on the body.

GENERAL BODY MARKINGS: The markings will depend upon the nature of the tabby pattern but will appear as a lighter shade of the points markings against the agouti background colour. The markings will lighten down the flanks to the under parts, which will be a paler shade of the background colour and may show spots. The Tonkinese expression results in a broad band of more solid colour over the top of the head, along the back and into the base of the tail that is more noticeable with maturity. There should be one or more broken, or unbroken, necklets on the neck/upper chest.

GENERAL POINTS MARKINGS: As for solid pointed colours, matching colours essential, but varied tones acceptable.

GENERAL HEAD MARKINGS: There should be a clearly defined "M" on the forehead, "spectacle" markings around the eyes, a ribbon running from the outer edge of the eye and spotted whisker pads. Ears are solid colour but show clear "thumb marks" which may be less apparent in dilute colours, and mottled in tortie tabbies. The nose leather may be pinkish outlined with colour that matches the paw pads or more solid in colour.

EYES: Eye colour as for appropriate Solid Point Colour. Rims dark or toning with points.

NOSE LEATHER: Conforming to recognised Standard for the particular colour of points, or pink, outlined with the appropriate colour.

EYE, NOSE RIM & LIPS: Edged with the appropriate colour.

LEG MARKINGS: Clearly defined broken stripes. Solid markings on the back of the hind legs. The leg markings may be paler than the other points.

PADS: Conforming to the recognised Standard for appropriate solid colour.

TAIL MARKINGS: Clearly defined broken rings.


BROWN TABBY MINK: (05mPtTb) Warm body markings against a beige agouti ground, with toning darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paws pads brown or pinkish brown.

BLUE TABBY MINK: (06MpTb) Bluish-grey body markings, which may have warm undertones, against a beige agouti ground, with toning darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads blue/grey or pinkish grey.

CHOCOLATE TABBY MINK: (07MpTb) Any shade of warm chocolate body markings against a warm beige agouti ground, with toning darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads Chocolate or pinkish chocolate.

LILAC TABBY MINK: (08MpTb) Warm lilac body markings against a magnolia agouti ground, with toning darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads light pinkish grey.

CINNAMON TABBY MINK: (09MpTb) Warm cinnamon brown body markings against a warm beige agouti ground with toning darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink to cinnamon brown.

FAWN TABBY MINK: (10MpTb) Warm rosy mushroom fawn body markings against a magnolia agouti ground with toning darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pinkish fawn.

CARAMEL TABBY MINK: (11MpTb) Any shade of cool toned bluish-fawn body markings against a beige agouti background, with darker tabby markings on the points. The markings should show a metallic sheen that is more noticeable with maturity. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads blue/fawn or pinkish fawn.

RED TABBY MINK: (12MpTb) Light red body markings against a cool ivory agouti background, with darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink. Note: Freckles may appear (in nose leather, eye rims, lips, paw pads and ears and should not be penalised.

CREAM TABBY MINK: (13MpTb)Rich cream body markings against a paler cool-toned cream agouti background, with darker tabby markings on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink. Note: Freckles may appear on nose leather, eye rims, lips, paw pads and ears and should not be penalised.

APRICOT TABBY MINK: (14MpTb) Hot cream body markings against a pale cream agouti background, with darker tabby markings on the points. The coat should show a cool metallic sheen that is more noticeable with maturity. Nose leather. eye rims and paw pads pink. Note: Freckles may appear on nose leather, eye rims, lips, paw pads and ears and should not be penalised.


BROWN TORTOISESHELL TABBY MINK: (15MpTb) Dark brown tabby markings broken and overlaid with varying shades of red. The colours will be slightly darker in the points. Both elements of tortie and tabby must be present but the distribution of colour is immaterial. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads brown and or pink.

BLUE TORTOISESHELL TABBY MINK: (16MpTb) Bluish-grey tabby markings broken and overlaid with varying shades of cream. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Both elements of tortie and tabby must he present but the distribution of colour is immaterial. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads blue and or pink

CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL TABBY MINK: (17MpTb) Any shade of warm chocolate tabby markings broken and overlaid with varying shades of red. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Both elements of tortie and tabby must be present but the distribution of colour is immaterial. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads chocolate and or pink.

LILAC TORTOISESHELL TABBY MINK: (18MpTb) Warm lilac tabby markings broken and overlaid with varying shades of cream. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads lilac and or pink.

CINNAMON TORTOISESHELL TABBY MINK: (19MpTb)Warm cinnamon brown tabby markings broken and overlaid with varying shades of red. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Both elements of tortie and tabby must he present but the distribution of colour is immaterial. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pink to cinnamon brown.

FAWN TORTOISESHELL TABBY MINK: (20MpTb) Warm rosy mushroom tabby markings broken and overlaid with varying shades of cream. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. Both elements of tortie and tabby must he present but the distribution of colour is immaterial. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads pinkish fawn.

CARAMEL TORTOISESHELL TABBY MINK: (21MpTb) Any shade of cool toned bluish-fawn tabby markings against a beige agouti background broken and overlaid with varying shades of apricot. The colours will be slightly darker on the points. The markings should show a metallic sheen that is more noticeable with maturity. Both elements of tortie and tabby must he present but the distribution of colour is immaterial. Nose leather, eye rims and paw pads blue/fawn or pinkish fawn.


Change the wording of the Pointed colours SOP, by adding the words highlighted in Red to the definition.

The Standard for Pointed colours is applicable to the following breeds: Colourpoint Persians, Exotics, British, Birmans, Ragdolls, Siamese and Pointed Tonkinese. The Standard for Birmans and Ragdolls describes the white areas found in these breeds in detail.

Eye Colour: is blue, but the specific eye colour descriptions for each breed will be found with the Standard of Points for each particular breed.

Coat Colours: Coat colours as for individual colour standards; shading, if any, to appear on back and flanks. Chest and belly to be pale.

Points Colour: Mask, ears, legs, feet and tail dense and clearly defined colour, matching in basic colour on all points, showing clear contrast between points and body colour. Mask complete and (except in kittens) connected by tracings to the ears. Kittens may be paler.

Colour Faults:

  • Disqualify exhibit for white toe or toes.
  • Eyes tinged green or green rimmed.
  • Incomplete mask.

Major awards may be withheld, depending on the degree of the following faults:

  • A complete hood.
  • Lack of contrast between body and points.
  • Heavily marked body, e.g. spots or bars.
  • Incorrect colour on nose leather or pads.
  • Lack of tracings. (For solid colour pointed cats.)
  • Heavy ringing on tail. (For solid colour pointed cats.)

Tonkinese Colours and Coat Patterns photoBASIC TONKINESE COAT COLOURS AND PATTERNS



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Page Updated 04/04/02