Tony Eklund - Nested List 1

Taken from Beginning Visual C++ 6
by Ivor Horton

  1. Introduction.
    1. Who's this book for?
    2. What's covered in this book
    3. What you need to use this book
    4. Conventions used
    5. Tell us what you think
    6. Source code and keeping up-to-date
      • Errata & updates
  2. Programming with Visual C++.
    1. Learning C++ and Windows Programming
      • Introducing Windows Programming
      • Console Applications
    2. What is the Integrated Development Environment?
      • Components of the System
        • The Editor
        • The Compiler
        • The Linker
        • The Libraries
      • Other Tools
        • AppWizard
        • ClassWizard
        • The Wizard Bar
    3. Using the IDE
      • Toolbar Options
      • Dockable Toolbar
      • Documentation
      • Projects and project workspaces
        • Defining a project
        • Debug and release versions of your Program
        • Entering your first program
          • Adding a source file to a Project
          • Building a Project
          • Dealing with Errors
          • Using Help with the Output Window
          • Files created by building a Console Application
        • Executing your first program
      • Setting Options in Visual C++
        • Setting C++ options
        • Setting Project options
      • Creating and executing a Windows Program
        • Executing a Windows Program
    4. Summary
    5. Exercises
  3. Data, Variables and Calculations.
    1. The Structure of a C++ Program
      • Program Comments
      • The #include directive - Header Files
      • The using directive - namespaces
      • The function main()
      • Program statements
      • Whitespaces
      • Statement blocks
    2. Defining variables
      • Naming variables
        • Keywords in C++
      • Declaring variables
      • Initial values for variables
    3. Data types in C++
      • Integer variables
        • The char data type
        • Integer type modifiers
      • Floating point variables
      • Logical variables
      • Variables with specific sets of values
      • Defining your own data types
      • Literals
      • Basic input/output operations
      • Input from the keyboard
      • Escape sequences
    4. Calculating in C++
      • The assignment statement
        • Understanding L-values
      • Arithmetic operations
        • The const Modifier
        • Constant expressions
        • Program input
        • Calculating the result
        • Displaying the result
      • Calculating a remainder
      • Modifying a variable
      • The increment and decrement operators
      • The sequence of calculation
        • Operator precedence
    5. Variable Types and Casting
      • Rules for casting operands
      • Casts in assignment statements
      • Explicit casts
      • Old-style casts
      • The bitwise operators
        • The bitwise AND
        • The bitwise OR
        • The bitwise Exclusive-OR
        • The bitwise NOT
        • The bitwise Shift operation
    6. Understanding Scope
      • Automatic variables
      • Positioning variable declarations
      • Global variables
      • Static variables
    7. Namespaces
      • Declaring a namespacae
      • Multiple namespaces
    8. Summary
    9. Exercises