Beaufort Miles
# Name Per Hour Description
0 calm < 1 calm; smoke rises vertically
1 light air 1 - 3 direction shown smoke but not wind vanes
2 light breeze 4 - 7 wind felt on face; leaves rustle
3 gentle breeze 8 - 12 leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag
BREEZE 4 moderate breeze 13 - 18 raises dust and loose paper; small branches moved
5 fresh breeze 19 - 24 small trees sway; crested wavelets form
6 strong breeze 25 - 31 large branches in motion; umbrellaa use difficult
7 moderate gale 32 - 38 whole trees in motion; inconvenience walking against the wind
8 fresh gale 39 - 46 breaks twigs off trees; impedes progress
GALE 9 strong gale 47 - 54 slight structural damage
10 whole gale 55 - 63 trees uprooted; considerable structural damage
11 storm 64 - 72 very rarely experienced; widespread damage
12 hurricane 73 - 136 devastation occurs