Mary Ellen's Flower Garden

Mary Ellen's Flower Garden is set on the side of a mostly shaded hill. Filled with perennials, the garden boasts blooming flowers of one kind or another from early April through September. The earliest blooms are the bulbs that greet spring. Brightly colored tulips, hyacinths, and crocuses dot the hillside as the last flakes of winter melt away.

The highest corner of the hillside enjoys the most sun, being warmed by the early morning rays and again with the last sun of the evening. It is on this spot that the Fiesta daisies have found their home, spreading wherever they want, crowding out the Black-Eyed Susans they now surround.

The foxgloves grow taller before opening their throaty flowers, which provide a safe haven for fat bumblebees seeking their sweet nectar. And scattered up and down the hill are the carefreee daylilies whose blooms follow the sun as it moves encircling the hill each day.

Sloping down the hill into the shade, the delicate columbine have long since bloomed and turned to seed. Still deeper into the shade are the dark purple irises with their long, slender, green foliage framing their beauty.