Gallery # 5

Visitors since March 2000

Updated last:
feb. 23 2000

Taken from  Nov. 26th - Jan. 1st

Gallery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mixed Home

This is a picture taken from The Golden Gate Bridge and it shows downtown San Francisco.

This is a picture of Alcatraz, you have to see it close up, so click on the picture.

Me on THE Bridge.

One of the streets in San Francisco.

Me on THE Bridge.

From South Lake Tahoo.
Dad, Mom, David (Mom' son), his wife, and Noah mom's grandson..

Dad, Mom, Noah, and I.

A picture from when the christmas lights were turned on at the univesity.

Christmas eve in San Antonio.

Jonathan. his band were one of the bands that preformed at the party.

Me and Genna

Ben and Matt, new years eve.

talking about the nice amerikan girls in USA.............

Our living room at christmas.

Our christmas tree. notice the danish flags.

early Jan. 1st.

Picture of The Golde Gate Bridge.

This is how it looks when the sun goes down in San Francisco.