Maintaining homeostasis


1. Nervous system – more rapid and specific; electrical signals

2. Endocrine system – effects are much slower; hormones released to blood


Functions of the nervous system


1. Sensory input – changes monitored; information sent to central nervous system

2. Integration – processes, integrates information from sensory input decides

3. Motor output – response of integration center; efferent signal to muscle or gland


Organization of the nervous system


1. CNS – integration, control center; receives stimuli; decides response to be taken

-a. Brain – located in the cranium

-b. Spinal cord – located in the vertebral column

2. PNS – cranial and spinal nerves; communication system between CNS and body

-a. Sensory (afferent) division – sensory fibers conduct impulse; receptors to CNS

-b. Motor (efferent) division – motor fibers conduct impulses; CNS to effectors

3. Somatic nervous system – somatic, special senses; skeletal muscles; voluntary

4. Autonomic nervous system – autonomic sensory receptors; viscera; involuntary 

-a. Sympathetic division – mobilizes body systems during emergency situations

-b. Parasympathetic division – conserves energy; promotes nonemergency functions

5. Enteric nervous system – gut brain; enteric sensory; smooth muscle, glands




Supporting cells


1. Neuroglia (glial cells) – another name for supporting cells

2. CNS – include

-a. Astrocytes – most numerous; projections anchor neurons to capillaries

-b. Microglia – spiny; monitor health; macrophage, phagocytize debris, microbes

-c. Epidymal cells – squamous to columnar, many ciliated; line cavities

-d. Oligodendrocytes – myelin sheath around larger cytoplasmic extensions

3. PNS – include

-a. Satellite cells – surround neuron body; may control chemical environment

-b. Schwann cells – myelin sheath in the PNS; peripheral nerve fiber regeneration


Neuron: functional characteristics


1. Longevity – can live and function for a life time

2. Amitotic – lose ability to divide; can’t regenerate

3. High metabolic rate – need a continual supply of oxygen and nutrients


Neuron: cytology


1. Cell body (perikaryon or soma) – protein making machinery

-a. Golgi apparatus – form arc around nucleus

-b. Nissl bodies – rough endoplasmic reticulum (stain darkly)

2. Dendrites – shorter more numerous processes; contact with many other neurons

-a. Receptive (input) region – conducts impulses toward the cell body

3. Axons – the singular usually longer cell process

-a. Axonal hillock - cone shaped region exiting from cell body; narrows to the axon

-b. Trigger zone – axon hillock and first segment of axon; nerve impulse starts

-b. Conduction zone – conducts electrical impulse away from cell body to terminals

-c. Nerve fibers – when very long they are referred to as nerve fibers

-d. Axonal collaterals – rare branches off the axon usually at right angles

-e. Terminal branches – terminus of the axon branches into 10,000 or more

-f. Axonal terminals (synaptic knobs) – the bulbous end of each terminal branch

-g. Secretory zone – at axonal terminals; vesicles with neurotransmitters; exocytosis

-h. Microtubules – move substances and organelles from body to terminals 


Myelin sheath


1. Myelinated fibers – white fatty layers; good insulator; impulses 150 time faster

2. Schwann cells – wind the around axon; cytoplasm is squeezed out

-a. Myelin sheath – actual layers of plasma membrane which cover the nerve fiber

-b. Neurolemma – contains the cytoplasm and nucleus of the Schwann cell

-c. Node of Ranvier – gaps in the myelin sheath occurring adjacent Schwann cells   

2. Oligodendrocytes – multiple flat processes can coil around as many as 60 axons  

3. Unmyelinated fibers – no myelin sheath; embedded but not surrounded


Classification of neurons


1. Structural classification – based upon processes

-a. Multipolar neurons – 0 -1 axons; many dendrites; brain, most,  motor neurons

-b. Bipolar neurons – rare; 1 axon and 1 dendrite; opposite sides cell; senses

-c. Unipolar neurons – 1 process or axon; sensory neurons mostly

2. Functional classification – can be correlated to structural classification

-a. Sensory (afferent) neurons – sensory receptors to the CNS; usually unipolar

-b. Motor (efferent) neurons – CNS to the effector organ; are multipolar neurons

-c. Association neurons (interneurons) – in the CNS; about 99%; diverse multipolar





Basic electrical principles


1. Resting membrane potential – an electrical voltage difference across the membrane

2. Current – represents the flow of electrically charge particles; flow of ions


Ion channels


1. Passive ion channels – always open; passive movement of ions through membrane

2. Active (gated) channels – are not always open

-a. Chemically gated channels – specific neurotransmitters bind to them

-b. Voltage gated channels – membrane potential (voltage)


Resting membrane potential


1. Resting membrane potential – more negative in its interior; - 70 mV (millivolts)

2. Charged particles – includes anions and cations

-a. Sodium (Na+) – most plentiful extracellular cation

-b. Potassium (K+) – most plentiful intracellular cation

-c. Chloride ions (Cl) – most plentiful extracellular anion

-d. Negatively charged proteins (A) – most plentiful intracellular anion

3. Passive diffusion – potassium diffuses out faster then sodium diffuses

4. ATPase (Na+,K+ pump) – prevents equilibrium, which would occur over time


Graded potential


1. Graded potentials – short lived depolarization or hyperpolarization

2. Receptor potential – receptor of a sensory neuron (heat, light, touch, est.)

3. Postsynaptic potential – excited by a neurotransmitter released by another neuron

4. Depolarization – sodium channel opens; sodium flows in; excitatory

5. Hyperpolarization – ligand gated Cl channel; K channel less common; inhibitory

6. Capacitance current – changes in charge distribution along 2 sides of membrane

7. Decremental – get weaker further from stimulation


Action potential generation


1.  Resting state – all sodium and potassium voltage gated channels are closed

2.  Depolarization – increase in sodium permeability; reversal membrane potential

-a. Local potential – reaches trigger area

-b. Trigger area – large number of voltage gated Na channels

-c. Voltage gated Na+ channels – open

-d. Threshold – depolarized to critical level, - 50 mV, depolarization self generating

-e. Positive feedback – sodium in, opens more voltage gated sodium channels, more

3. Repolarization – K+ moves out; return to negative resting membrane potential

-a. Voltage gated K+ channels – open

-b. Voltage gated Na+ channels – closed; Na+ not entering cell

-c. Potassium – leaves cells

4. Undershoot – K+ channels slow to close; little less negative resting potential

-a. Hyperpolarization – what undershoot results in; inhibitory

-b. Resting membrane potential – quickly returns as K channels close

-c. Na+,K+ATPase – repolarization restores resting potential; this restores ion levels


Action potential propagation


1. All-or-none law – once threshold is reached; entire axon fires

2. Nondecremental – signal stays strong even to axon terminals

3. Irreversible – can not be stopped

4. Chain reaction – action potential causes action potential causes

5. Nerve signal – chain reaction of action potentials

6. Refractory period – area behind action potential will not depolarize

7. Stimulus intensity – greater frequency; greater strength


Refractory period


1. Absolute refractory period – can not be excited again no matter how strong

-a. Voltage gated Na+ channels – are inactivated; can not be open no matter what

2. Relative refractory period – sodium gates have closed; returned to resting state     


Conduction velocities


1. Axon diameter – increases the velocity as it offers less resistance to the current

2. Myelin sheath – flow of sodium only at the nodes of Ranvier

-a. Saltatory conduction – electrical signal jumps from node to; much faster

-b. Multiple sclerosis – autoimmune disease in which myelin sheath is destroyed

3. Speed – from 1 m/s (2mph) to 150 m/s (300 mph); diameter and myelin sheath




1. Location – where

-a. Axodendritic – between presynaptic axons and postsynaptic dendrites

-b. Axosomatic – between presynaptic axons and postsynaptic cell bodies

-c. Less common – and less understood; axoaxonic, dendrodendritic, dendrosomatic 

2. Varieties – two

-a. Electrical synapse – cytoplasm connected; embryo; adult, rare, jerky eye move

-b. Chemical – most common; neurotransmitter



Chemical synapse


1. Presynaptic neuron’s axonal terminal – knob like structure

-a. Neurotransmitters – contained in membrane bound vesicles

2. Synaptic cleft - fluid filled space between axonal terminal the postsynaptic neuron

3. Postsynaptic neuron receptors - bind to neurotransmitter

4. Neurotransmitter release – involves

-a. Calcium gates open – axonal terminal, depolarization also opens these 

-b. Exocytosis – calcium causes neurotransmitter vesicles to spill their contents

5. Receptor binding – across the synaptic cleft; bind reversible to receptors

6. Ion channels open – membrane proteins of the receptor to shape change, opens

7. Neurotransmitter’s fate – after it does its job; can not remain

-a. Enzyme degradation – neurotransmitter is broken down (acetylcholine)

-b. Reuptake – presynaptic terminal, astrocyte; destroyed, stored (norepinephrine)

-c. Diffusion – of the transmitter from the synapse

8. Synaptic delay – time for all this to occur; less neurons better


Postsynaptic potential


1. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials EPSP –graded depolarization; less negative

2. Inhibitory postsynaptic potential IPSP – graded hyperpolarization; more negative

-a. Cl– channels – open, chloride ion rushes in

-b. K+ channels – open, potassium leaves cell




1. Temporal summation – presynaptic neurons fire in rapid order

2. Spatial summation – stimulated by many axonal terminals




1. Synaptic potentiation – repeated use enhances ability pre- to excite postsynaptic   

-a. Presynaptic – increase Ca increases release of neurotransmitters             

-b. Postsynaptic – calcium channel activated; Ca activates enzymes; more responsive

-c. Memory – possible important in this

2. Presynaptic inhibition – neurotransmitter of one axon inhibited by other neuron  

-a. Axoaxonic synapse – type that is usually involved in this

3. Neuronal modulation – neurotransmitter or other chemical changes metabolism


Neurotransmitters: chemical classification


1. Acetylcholine – neuromuscular junctions; CNS and autonomic nervous system

2. Biogenic amines – all synthesized from some amino acid

-a. Catecholamines – from tyrosine (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine)

-b. Indolamines – serotonin (from trytopphan); histamine (from histidine)

3. Amino acids – gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), glutamate, glycine, aspartate

4. Peptides – substance P (pain); endorphins and enkephalins (opiates)

5. Novel messengers – ATP; nitric oxide (NO)


Neurotransmitters: functional classification


1. Effects – excitatory, inhibitory, or both

2. Mechanism – direct, indirect, or both

-a. Directly – opening ion channels

-b. Indirectly – using a second messenger intracellularly


Neurotransmitter receptors


1. Channel linked receptors – membrane proteins open a central canal; ions pass 

2. G protein linked receptors – neurotransmitter activates G protein

-a. Second messenger – cAMP, cGMP; channel open, enzyme, gene activation




Neuronal pools


1. Neuronal pools – functional groups, 1000s neurons, integrate incoming messages

2. Discharge zone – closer to, more connections to incoming axon  more likely to fire

3. Facilitated zone – periphery, less connections; not as likely to; acted on by other




1. Circuits – the pattern of neuronal connections in neuronal pools;  function

2. Diverging circuits – one incoming fiber triggers the firing of many subsequent      

-a. Amplification – a single signal sent to many different places

3. Converging circuits – many different inputs coming into the pool and the signal is

-a. Concentration – how different stimuli can bring about the same feeling

4. Reverberating circuits – collateral axons stimulate the previous axon

-b. Rhythmic activities – such as breathing

5. Parallel after discharge circuits – input; parallel neurons; common output neuron

-a. Precise mental functions – like doing math


Neural processing


1. Serial processing – one neuron stimulates the next in the sequence, stimulates next

-a. Reflex arc – good example; predictable outcome

2. Parallel processing – inputs are to many pathways; dealt with simultaneously 

-a. Higher brain functions – important for this


Nerve fiber regeneration 


1. Distal end – seals off

2. Wallerian degeneration – axon distal to site of injury

3. Macrophages – cleanup debris and release a mitosis stimulating substance

4. Schwann cells – proliferate, release growth factors

-a. Growth factors – cause axonal filaments to grow distally

-b. Guide – the filaments into place

5. CNS – doesn’t happen for several reasons; most importantly no Schwann cells