Tony's Web Pages

This is my occasionally-updated and largely empty web page. At the moment, it holds information about a couple of Freeforms (also known as LARPs or Theatre Style LARPs). If you want to know what one of these is, you can't do much better than the FAQ on Steve Hatherley and Mo Holkar's Freeform Games website.

(By the way, if you think I'm a children's poet, you're unlucky enough to be on the wrong page. Scroll down to get the correct address or click here.

"Lorenzo's Blessing" is the game I ran in Oxford a couple of years ago and at Intercon F in March 2006. In 2010, I'm going to start writing a weekend-long sequel, set in Rome in the Jubilee year of 1500AD, for run sometime mid-decade.

Go to the "Lorenzo's Blessing" pages

SPQR is a game I ran at Maycon in 2004, Intercon G in March 2007 and Consequences in November 2007. Click here to go to the SPQR pages.

"Survivors of the Naronic" is my new game written for Consequences in November 2007, Intercon H in March 2008 and Contunuum in July 2008. It's probably the most ambitious short game I'm ever likely to write, not least because I had to learn micro-electronics to get the gadgets I wanted right. I am now a real fan of RFID technology, in the right hands. I am now part-way through writing the sequel, "The Ghosts of Urquhart", for run at Consequences this year and Intercon in March 2010.

"Once Upon a Time in Tombstone" is the weekend long freeform run on 11 to 13 November 2005. It seemed to go fairly well. The character list and casting and booking form are now only of academic interest, but is available here.

"1897: Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubliee" is a weekend long freeform I helped to update and run on 22 to 24 February 2008. The game's web page is available here.

Puerto Rico Evolver is a simulation of the boardgame Puerto Rico I've written for Microsoft Excel that aims to evolve better and better computer players. It plays a pretty competitive game.

And, in case you're mildly confused and looking for insight into writing cool verse for kids, I am not Tony Mitton the poet. True we did go to the same University and both spend part of our childhoods in Hong Kong, but we've never met (although we correspond on occasion, and he seems a lovely guy). Anyway, his website is much more professional than this one and can be found at (I can see why people end up here by mistake).

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