This is my web site on GeoCities. It was created as a place for material which may not be allowed on my primary web host, which is currently Namely, commercial material is not supposed to be hosted on due to the system's rather free status. When I created this account on GeoCities I thought that some commercial nature may exist on this site. So far that hasn't happened, at this point I even do not expect that to happen, and the main founder and main system administrator of my primary web host found out about this page and informed me that the content of this page could have been hosted on his site and there wouldn't have been a problem with that. I didn't know, though, and so I figured it was better safe than sorry. I do like to follow the terms and conditions of the web hosts I use.

At the time of this writing, I have no current plans for updates to the pages on this site. I intend to allow the current useful material on this site to remain available in case it is of use to anybody. My main web site is more likely to have the most up-to-date information on any other web projects I may be involved with, and is more likely than this site to have any up-to-date details on how to contact me. Currently the address for my main, primary personal page is http://TOOGAM.Com

Right now, you can check out the page Easy Mod Chips. If you're interested in this sort of thing for an Xbox, see