<bgsound src="StandTheRain.mid" controls="smallconsole">


One who sees the good in everyone,
loves to explore new and exciting things.
Doing things for children just to see a smile,
helping adults get through a busy day.
Not afraid to stand up and fight for a cause,
respects all life~~humans, animals and nature.
Believes in GOD and all his promises,
always practices Jesus' Golden rule for Christians.
Loving to share all i have with good cheer,
trying to constantly improve things about me.
Won't allow rude people to rain on my parade,
striving to be the better artist i know i can be.
In awe and appreciative of my friends on the net,
praying for a safer and happier world for all.
Everything i receive from someone i cherish,
nothing do i take for granted in this life.
Driven to do all i can before death comes,
hoping i would have left a mark that matters.

"Bad Day Blues?"

When you are having a bad day,
don't take it out on others; watch what you say.
You will surely see them somehow again,
now they are foes instead of your friend.
Make a kind word your goal,
for you and others it can soothe the soul.
A caring comment they'll always treasure,
a gesture of holding a door open is a nice measure.
Help someone who is behind in their work,
don't wait til the boss asks and go beserk.
Babysit for someone who really needs a break,
volunteer to help charities for others sake.
Go see the elderly couple down the street,
shop for them, clean the yard or make the house neat.
On a saturday why not read to a child,
instead of going to the club and acting wild.
Call family members you haven't talk to in a while,
see how quickly you can make them smile.
When you think your day isn't going well,
remember Oklahoma City bombing; does that ring a bell?
Everyday and in some way things go bad,
why add to them by making others sad?
Go the extra mile to give a little cheer,
next time you aren't doing good someone will be there.
Don't dwell on the terrible things around you,
for if you do someone else will feel blue.

"The Beauty of Friendship"

There is joy and warmth when you have a friend,
someone to talk to anytime day or night.
A person who is dear to your very heart,
who makes you laugh and smile all the time.
When your day is not going well he or she is there,
ready with a comforting word to help you hold on.
Friendship is an important part of one's life,
knowing someone cares for you can uplift you tenderly.
Whether its a conversation on the phone or the net,
secrets and plans unfold in this special bond.
Friendship is a closeness that is so beautiful,
it grows over the years and blossoms stronger.
For all the friends that I hold dear to my heart,
know that I love you very much and always will.
When you need me I will be there for you anytime,
I thank you for the wonderful blessing of friendship!

"Another Day"

Be there for my children and be a good mother for them,
give them support, listen to their dreams and wants.
Provide myself as a good role model for my children,
spend time doing what they like when we are together.
To share myself and who I am with others,
for making goals and completing the previous ones.
For telling all I care about that I love them,
doing good deeds towards all people on this earth.
Another day to smell the roses and absorb the sun,
to sit by the lake and write some more poetry.
Figure out a budget for the next month if possible,
go shopping and maybe take in a movie I want to see.
Meditate and give thanks to God I am still here today,
pray for those who need help, are sick or are dying.
Lend a hand where I am needed most to benefit others,
play with my Cat and rub him the way He likes it.
To listen to the different styles of music I like,
taking time to do a little dance and enjoy myself.
Donate to causes and join in where others do too,
Be grateful for the small things in life yes, content.
Show appreciation for family and friends with joy,
welcome with open arms all those who would be new friends.
Another day to reflect on where I have come from,
where I intend on going and how far it is to get there.
It is great to think about all of the things another day
could bring or what I could do with that precious day.


A grayish blue sky
with bright color rainbow arc
holds life's joy.

At the pink flowers
beautiful colored silk wings
of butterfly lands.

Graceful young swan
dips in the crystal lake
while mom is swimming.

Pleasures in a life,
is one absent of all strife;
without gun and knife.

Seek peace and just love,
give instead of always take;
spread joy among all.

The spirit in me,
seems to beckon to be free;
like butterflies breach.

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Sept. 11, 2001

More Of My Haikus

I sit by her side,
in the hospital today;
praying God heal her.

Birds chirping in tree,
singing such sweet melody;
while others fly free.

The grip of this life,
can bring someone up or down.
It is how you cope.

Today drags slowly,
so much work to do all day;
need to get away.

Links to other sites on the Web

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The Best Doo Wop and R & B Club on the Internet
Lady Paje's Site ~~Graphics, Backgrounds & Calling Cards
Clara's Site ~~A Mother's Heart
Sheila's Web Home ~~Genealogy & More
Autumn Leaves~~Sondra's Poetry Newsletter

Feel free to submit your links, stars will go right next
to great sites on my main link page. Have a Joyful Day
and remember always, Keep Smiling!

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