Lyrics taken from

ZAO - "where blood and fire bring rest" (TND1107-SS10)

1. lies of serpents, a river of tears

your eyes search for me

so long i've wanted to come home
held back by lies of serpents
and tongues of brothers

turning a child into an enemy
turning open arms into closed fists
i could see the reflection in the tears
that made their way down your face onto the ground
i kneel upon
they form a river
that overtakes me
compassion envelops me
i forgive and release

forgiven released

2. to think of you is to treasure an absent memory

when you shut your eyes and fell asleep
dark clouds descended on the souls of the ones who held you
close to their hearts

(and the rain that came gently met your tears
they became one and seeped into the earth
i watched from a distance and...)

my heart broke open (as if to tell them...)

the beauty of an embrace
a place to lay down the pain

where blood and fire bring rest and peace

i sit away in a secret place
the shadow of wings

i think of you and my heart breaks open

3. a fall farewell

in a time of quietness
i reflect on childhood memories
caught wisping through my mind
falling leaves create the stage
words spoken were not cherished

on the last day of our friendship
and those words were possibly the last
what were your thoughts

as a dreaming child i awaken to a nightmare
after a gentle nudge i find out you're gone

the machines that kept you alive were careless
did you ask Him to forgive you before you passed on

you slipped away into the ground...
you broke the vanity...
you brought the silence...
(i hope you are with Jesus.)

4. march

my strength fades away slowly with the setting sun
the night brought its darkness and its storms
and the floods that came reflected a dull moon
violet wind raged beneath the stars that didn't shine
emptied of myself i fell to the ground

slowly through the destruction
came a single quiet voice
and the breath of His words consumed
the night and brougth strength
i have never felt on my own and He held me up
until i could walk again
and promised to stay by my side forever

5. ember

my sight finally returns
only to see my hands covered
with the innocent blood
of those i stand before as an example
and i hold this ember in my hands
it's the only warmth i know

ember of Your faithfulness
ember of Your still small voice
ember of embracing arms
ember if rebirth
to You my King i offer up this ember
for the wind of Your Spirit
to consume by fire
to purge their blood from my hands

6. ravage ritual

turned away by a misrepresentation
stained glass and white washed tombs
the hearts of those who spoke to you
were never homes to the God they tried to show you
they spoke out of prejudice and ritualism
they themselves were lost
angels fold their wings

and weep along with us watching you shun Christ's sacrifice

7. fifteen rhema

my heart is deceived by my eyes
my actions in the name of beauty
i'm sickened and strangled
by myself
that i would allow an unyielded
desire to lead me astray
put to shame by my lack of trust
i confess my faults with tears

manifestations of Your grace fill me
revelations of forgiveness
wounds healed by wounds
the Father's mercy

peace beyond understanding love from You
that i don't deserve

i shut my eyes
i still my feelings

listening with closed eyes
i rest in Your guidance
trusting You
sensing You
i listen and hear...

abide in Me

8. for a fair desire

let me not exist for a fair desire
sweet and fresh are my expectations
of this inner strength
that yearns passionately
for the endowment of the Father
i show in tears that later i shall reap in joy
each drop that i show will be a time of breaking

come Holy Spirit empower your creation
through times of breaking the planting of tears as i am broken
your presence grows stronger

and i feel You with me
upholding me through it all

9. the latter rain

a ring of haze encircles the enshrouded truth within
another seal is broken as the heavens prepare
to break forth in fulfillment

a blanket of deception is layered on
sacred writings which contain the thoughts
of the One who is Almighty God

a sword unsheathed is drawn
bringing legions of demons to their knees

by the knowledge of a covenant prepared
before the earth itself still
so many choose to warm themselves beneath deception

as the end draws near and history closes
i pray the winds and the rain of that which is latter
will bring clarity and understanding of Your infallible Word
let the lack of knowledge be lifted off Your people

10. violet

Instrumental song