Luxury - "The Latest & The Greatest" (TN1066)

Check out this Luxury album! Their lyrics are full of emotions and the high singing voice of singer Lee Bozeman hits you right in the heart. Their music is described by T&N as "post punk", but I think that description is quite vague, I think it's Luxury rock... (hmmm, that's an even vaguer description...) The best numbers on the album are, in my opinion, "The Latest and the Greatest", a great fast opener (sing/scream along !), and "From the Lion within".

This album is great to listen to when you're having a bad (hair) day. You know, when it's raining, when your friends are out of town or when you're in love and the girl or boy of your dreams already has a person or he or she just doesn't want you... Luxury kinda makes you feel better when you're down! Melancholy sometimes does the trick...


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