My older son, Craig, was born on May 2, 1972. The first time I saw his face I just fell in love. He was a beautiful baby with a wonderful disposition. He slept all the time. In fact, his babysitters never even saw him....he was always sleeping!!! He was a wonderful Mother's Day present!!

My younger son, Mike, was born on August 26, 1974. He was named after my dad who had died two years earlier. That was very special for me. Since Mike was a baby he has been "his own person." And I love him and respect him for that.

Fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, so the saying goes. My sons are two of the most important people in my life. I would do anything for them - and they know it. I have come across some wonderful poetry about sons that I'd like to share. I also would like to share some thoughts about my boys. Some of the following poems I found in a beautiful book called, "My Son, My Love" by Susan Polis Schutz. Although, the poems say "son" they are meant for both of my boys.

Here is a picture of my "little" boys.


"It seems like just
a little while ago
you raised your tiny head
and smiled at me
for the first time
and I smiled back with tears
I loved you so much then
Though you are older now
living your dreams
pursuing your own goals
I still look at your beautiful smile
to know that things are all right with you
and I am so very proud of you
and I love you even more now"

This one came from a Blue Mountain Arts Greeting Card:

"What It's Been Like Raising A Son Like You"

"To be completely honest, raising a son can sometimes be difficult for a mother. There are the obvious differences between the two, as well as other things that many women just can't understand from the male point of view...

There are times when a boy needs to test his strength, while his mother worries that he will get hurt. There are times when male pride prevents a son from discussing things with his mother, even when she thinks it will make him feel better. There are times when a mother is simply "wrong" because she "doesn't understand."

Somehow, Son, we have made it through these times. Somewhere along the way, we have gained respect for each other's opinions, even if we didn't always understand them. There is no one else I would rather have shared all of our experiences with, both good and bad."

And from me - I just want to tell you how very proud I am of the adults that you have become, how much I believe in both of you, and how much I love you.

Craig and Mike at Craig's high school grad party

I've always told my sons that it's okay for boys to cry - to show their emotions.

Another poem from Susan Polis Schutz

"Men are told by society that
they always have to be strong
and put on a tough exterior
to block out all sensitive "unmanly" feelings
It is drilled into men from birth
that they are leaders
that they must achieve
that they must succeed in a career
Men are judged their whole lives
by the power that they have
and how much money they earn
What a terrible burden this must be

My son
the role society has imposed
on men and women is very damaging
All people should be free to
think and do whatever they want
and act the way they feel at all times
regardless of whether they are men or women
You should not feel pressure created by society
You should cry when you want to
You should laugh when you want to
You must be ther person that you are
Other people should never tell you what to do"

"Sometimes I talk to you
and I am not really sure
what you are thinking
It is so important to let your feelings be known.
Men were always taught
to hide their feelings and emotions
I want you to know that this not only is wrong
it is harmful
Talk to someone
Write your feelings down
Create something based on your feelings
but do not keep them inside
Never be afraid to
be honest with people
And certainly never be afraid to
be honest with yourself
You are such an
interesting, sensitive
intelligent person
who has so much to share

I want you to know
that wherever you go
or whatever you think
you can always depend on me
for complete and absolute
and love

Two of the major highlights of their lives for me were their Bar Mitzvahs. Here are my "boys" and I at Craig's Bar Mitzvah and at Mike's Bar Mitzvah. Talk about a proud mom. They both did so great....and they certainly became men on these two very special days.

And in March of 1998 Craig married Sandy....a very special girl for my very special guy - see their picture on my homepage but here are the "boys" and I at the wedding

This is how I described Craig's wedding to my friends in the newsgroups the week before his wedding:


"It was almost 26 years ago that a little boy with a beautiful face was born. I fell in love. The song, "The First time Ever I Saw Your Face," by Roberta Flack was popular at the time. This is the song that has run through my mind with each "milestone" in my son's life. During his graduation from elementary school, high school, college, graduate school, I thought of that song and the feelings that I had when I first saw that face. Through the years that little boy has grown into a fine young man - not only with a beautiful face but with a beautiful heart and soul. I am so proud of the successful adult he has become. This coming Saturday night my son will be married. We will dance to "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and I will be overcome with tears of joy. I wish him the happiness in his life that he has brought me." A picture of us during "The Dance."

"You are growing up
so fast
I look at you with tears of happiness
sprinkled with some
tears of sadness
because you are no longer
my little baby
bobbing your cute
head up and down
But deep happiness--
because of the
new person you
are becoming
What an incredible feeling
to see my beautiful little boy
growing up to be a
beautiful man."

Craig is a Civil Engineer. Sandy, his wife,is a lawyer. Mike and Mary Ellen live in Atlanta, Georgia. Mike is an Asst. Controller for a large payroll firm. Mary Ellen is an archaelogist. I am so proud of all of them.

"My son
when you were a child
you were fun to play with
But now that you are older
I can do so many more
things with you
We can talk about world events
We can discuss life in general
We can make plans
We can read the same books
We can see the same movies
We can play sports against each other
Since we like the same things (but not the same teams)
we can enjoy so much together
I never thought that I could
love you more
than I did when you were little
But now that you are older
I have found
that I love you even more"