Dreamline West - Oded Fehr in 'The Mummy Returns'
Oded Fehr Filmography - 'The Mummy Returns'

    2001 - YES! A role that's not brief! 'The Mummy Returns' - Ardeth Bey returns in this sequel also - lookin' good.

    If you are an Oded Fehr/Ardeth Bay fan, this movie is a must. Ardeth Bay is back in 'The Mummy Returns', more than the Mummy is I think!

    This one is a little long, at well over 2 hours, and the plot seemed a bit thin to me, but it was a fun movie, again, with amazing special effects. The Army of Anubis charging across the desert is awesome. I loved Alex - he is every eight-year-old in the world. "Are we there yet?" Johnathan is his old self in this, although Evie and Rick have changed places. She's the adventurer and he wants to stay home. hahaha

    The fight scenes between real people are choreographed perfectly, and the CGI ones are spectacular. I think The Rock getting top billing was a bit of a reach, since he is in it about 3 minutes, but hey, that's marketing for you.
    I recommend this movie just because it's fun. There are laughs and action and more romance. In the end, I feel sorry for Imhotep. But I'm not telling why. Go see it.

    'The Mummy Returns' is scheduled for DVD & VHS release on Oct. 2, 2001!

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