This is the journal of

Morgan Raducan

11 - 21 - 03

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was another fun day. I woke up early and took the regular, daily workout with the rest of the girls. Tonight we're having a burrito sleepover! Jessica came up with the idea for a sleepover, and Marina thought we shuld have a burrito party, so I suggested we combine the two! We can order burritos and then eat em while we watch a movie or something. In San Francisco there are killer burritoes! Killer as in good, not like psycho radioactive burritoes or anything. Gordo's has the best ones! I'm getting hungry now! I had a good day back at school. It's kind of hard switching back and forth from Indiana and California, but it's worth it to be back here at Topo with all of my friendds. I took the midterms late since I came back late, and I get the results soon! Okay, later...

-Morgan Raducan

11 - 17 - 03

Dear Journal,
     Well, it's nice to be "home". I did my first workout today. Despite my lack of training for quite a while, I did very well! Over the summer, I practiced with my cousin who runs cross country, and I guess it kept me in good shape! My biggest problem area was on bars, where I just didn't have it completely all together. Hopefully I can start competing again soon! At 18, I don't have too much time left for injury and what not.

-Morgan Raducan

11 - 15 - 2003

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Okay, well I believe I am all packed for Indiana. My nerves are building up a little more. I'm anxious to see everyone. I got an e-mail from my friend, Madeleine White, at Cascade Locks, she she said that Jennie wouldn't be coming back. I'm pretty disappointed, but I think I'll live. Afterall, I can always go out to Oregon to visit her. =) I also heard that Eva won't be joining us right away, which will be a little sad, but she'll be out here eventually. I don't know much of who else is coming. I haven't heard anything from Madison or Marissa yet, so I'm looking forward to it. Marina is coming back, though! Yay! Okay, I should get some sleep.

-Morgan Raducan


Dear Journal,
     Hello! Yay! I'm so exciting that it looks like Topopolilly is reopening! However, it makes me extremely sad that the coach is not Lois. I will always miss her, but I do look forward to seeing everyone and training with them again. If it feels unfomfortable, and I don't like the atmosphere, I will leave. I'm flying out there on Sunday from San Francisco!

-Morgan Raducan

January 23

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today has been going pretty well. It was quite busy and hectic, but I made it through all right. First I decided to have a later start today. I joined the team workout at 7:00am because I was just too exhausted. After the workout, I stayed an extra half an hour to work on bars. By 10:15, I was out the door and on my way to Indianapolis High. After my several classes at IH, I returned back to Topo by about 3:00ish. Then I took an afternoon workout until 6:00 when I decided to eat dinner. After dinner, I finished all of my homework, watched a little television, and am now sitting in my bed about to read a book... after I write in my dear journal, of course. I'm getting a little bit impatient about rankings and such. Gymnastics-wise, I have been doing pretty well. My floor routine is coming together and my beam and vault skills are still nice and strong. I have been having a few problems on bars, but the extra half an hour helped. I also took most of my afternoon workout for uneven bars which helped to. Unfortunately, I had to water down my dismount to a double pike for the last half of my bars workout because Coach Nick and Coach Danny agreed (they actually agreed on something!) that if I kept falling on my butt on my arabian double front, I might hurt something. School is doing fine... I took a test in American Literature today and I hope I did well! Okay, wish me luck!

-Morgan Raducan

January 22

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was another busy day. I have quite a bit of stuff to write about I think. Let's see... Well, first of all - being on the Tiger Squad isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was reading some of my journal entries and noticed that I didn't really say much about it. Well, Coach Dan can get pretty scarey, and when he acts in that sense I call him Coach Dan or Brink, Sir. It was a joke at first but not it has gotten a little habitual. On the other hand, he is very affectionate to his Tigresses when we need it. He won't yell at us for anything (of course, non-gymnastics related only). We have been getting to know each other and in just a little over a week, it seems he knows our strengths and weaknesses; he knows them inside and out. The other day I was about to do a floor routines, and I felt two arms on my shoulder. I didn't bother looking around because a man's voice was whispering in my earn. The only two men (well, I can still consider Coach Nick a boy) at the gym are my Coach Dan and Coach Nick. I've talked to Coach Nick a lot before (with his training help and such) and he would always start a talk with something along the lines of conceitedness, I'm-gonna-correct-you-but-don't-eat-me-ness, or something completely random like "Where's your watermelon leo? Oh? No girl Topo gymnast has one? Oops..." None of these were what was said. This was about a week ago, a day or two after the squads were announced. Most of us were still intimidated by Coach Danny, but that was when I realized that underneath that grouchy ignores-you-if-you-do-a-routine-of-crap-ness was a nice middle aged man. He said, "Morgan, you can do it... focus... think about corrections. Pretend your soaring through the air - like a bird. Or like your about to catch your little sister off the bars." I didn't question anything as the words sort of flowed out of his mouth until he say LITTLE SISTER OFF THE BARS. How'd he know about the time I was spotting Terrin at Kimball Park? By the time I turned around, he was already walking towards Marissa who was having some grip complications... Alyssa was yelling at her for adding sugar to the water spray that we used to drink. I missed my entire opening dance combination, thinking about what he said. Wow! I seem to have written up a little novel here! Well, to concise the rest of my story, I found out that he likes to know his gymnasts personalities, families, and life- styles as well. After that, we became good buddies. I'm not intimidated any more! On to the rest of my bored-you-to-death not-ever-changing stuff. Rankings haven't been updated in a while, and I wince every time I see my name next to the number FOURTEEN. I hate it... With a passion! =) At least that's what Marina told me. Anywho... I have been feeling much better lately, and I hope that my gymnastics will continue to flourish, as does my school. I am finally settled into all of my second semester classes. Of course I should be expected a round of pop quizzes someitme in the near future. That'll just have to wait, for Morgan Raducan is going to sleep.

-Morgan Raducan

January 20

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Well, I'm happy - lemme change that. SUPERCALIFRADULISTICEXBIALODOCIOUS-ly happy that there is no school today... BUT... ... I have tons of homework! I did some yesterday and Saturday, but I still had quite a bit to fish through today and some more tomorrow. I think I have to finish Calculus stuff... I think - or whatever math class I am taking right now, and my chemistry stuff. Oh, and I need to decorate my American Literature notebook - that is a must. Aside from that, everything's been going pretty well. I have been doing okay in gym. Gosh, things have just been so busy. I'm hoping that I'll get a mini break soon - though I know that I just had a super long one. But at the same time, I can't wait to get back into regular international competition! Like I sqid yesterday, the Mini Squads Alive meet is coming up, and I really want to show everyone what I'm made of. My goal is top twenty! Whoo hoo! As of last Friday I was fourteenth in rankings which isn't really fabulous but it's basically enough to make a second string team alternate or something. Or maybe first string alternate! It depends, I guess. I don't think it would be quite national team material, but I was ninth for a while before that! I think it's going to take a quite a while to move some of the rock solid gymnasts near the top of the leaderboard ~ Jennie, Jessica, Samantha, Alyssa... Alyssa! That's who I forgot yesterday! I might have forgotten more. I have the vague feeling that this little newcomer is going to be leader our team at the Squads Alive Mini Meet, but that's okay! Well, I have to go finish more homework. Wish me luck in life! Remember... Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow... Etc! I'll say one of my favorite quotes tomorrow.

-Morgan Raducan

January 19

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was okay. I just saw the results from the Texas meet, and I have incredibly mixed feelings. I'm happy that I finished better than at the opening intersquad (yeah, pft, by two places), but I am super mad that I only got twenty-first! And that's just in the senior division! There are like ten or fifteen little tiny juniors that probably kicked my butt... Sigh... Oh well. Today IS another day. I'm hoping to help my squad do well in the Squads Alive Mini Meet. Hopefully we'll win or at least make it to the finals. My prediction is that if Tigers don't win, it'll be Pop Squad. After all, they have Sammie and Jennie. Thought Sammie might not be able to do that much based on experience, her gymnastics comes packed with a punch. And the fact of Jennie, well, that one is kind of obvious. But the Tigers have me! And we have Kelly, a super experienced veteran... We have Kayla, an awesome newcomer. Crystal, one of the fabulous twins. Marissa... Well, she can factor in everywhere that the rest of us can't. And some other gymnasts! We'll kick butt! =)

-Morgan Raducan

January 18

Dear Journal,
     Hello... I just finished showering after the Texas meet. I think I did exceptionally well. I won't know the scores until tomorrow, but I already know that vault, bars, and beam were just okay, and floor was pretty sucky, so to speak. I fell on my last pass because COACH DANNY, made me put in my whip 1/1, which I hadn't practiced for a while (Coach Lois gave him a sizeable piece of her mind after my routine). I just shrugged it off and watched the rest of the girls show their fabulous lines and routines and on and on and blah. I think Jennie has some strong routine sets and some little Romanian juniors looked awesome! They could fly through the air and they are like up to my shoulders. It was a good experience for me and my first "international", well, out of this state, meet this season. I'm overall quite happy with my performance. I developed a new poem-y prayer-y thing that I say to myself before each routine: "Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is like a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozed with snow. So help my dreams, become complete, as I dream, of winning this meet." I took the first two stanzas from an old school poem we had to memorize and then I just made up the last one. It seems like it helps my confidence a little. Ok, wish me luck in life!

-Morgan Raducan

January 17

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was incredibly busy. I didn't have enough time really to do a major workout, and since I did my premeet workout yesterday I just skipped today's. It was super duper busy. I did manage to find time for a bars individual workout session with Coach Nick, but that was all. It started at school. I officially had my first classes of the second semester (kinda weird schedule), and I was running around getting to all of my classes. The teachers (at least almost all of mine) had the nerve to assign us to outline between two and seven (or look over, read, etc.) chapters in our books! Agh! This semester I'm taking... AP Calculus, Honors Statistics, European History, American Literature, AP Chemistry, and ... Umm... another class that I can't remember right now. Well, I said I would write up a schedule of my day, so here it is: 5:00am wake up... (get ready)... 6:00am Team Workout... 9:30am... shower, get ready for school... 10:00am... school... 4:00pm... Indivdual Workout (dance once a week)... 7:00pm.. eat dinner... 8:00pm... do homework.. (and relax if any extra time)... 11:00pm... sleep! As you can see, I have a very very busy day! A lot of the girls are homeschooled or have special schedules, but I didn't want one. So I have several classes of normal high schooling a day. And I remembered my last class! I'm taking an elective of dance during school and only have to take Topo dance once a week (I think I picked Thursday) which I do instead of an individual/private workout. Okay, better go finish my TONS of homework! Wish my luck!

-Morgan Raducan

January 16

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was a pretty good day. I have been working hard in the gym. I went through my entire premeet ritual workout session and then I discovered that the Texas meet wasn't until Saturday! For some odd reason I thought that it was a three day meet, but I guess I was mistaken. I have been trying to keep in good shape for the meet, and I think I will do well. My only concern would once again as usual be floor. Unfortunately, I recently discovered that my last pass is written down as a RO - BH - BH - whip 1/1 - double pike. I have been leaving out the whip 1/1! Gasp! Oh well. Coach Dan will probably have me work it into my routine sometime after the Texas meet. I don't even know the official name of the Texas meet! My life is so hectic right now! I had a pretty good day at school. It's hard to go to a regular school, but I would "die" if I couldn't get a taste of city life everyday. Maybe tomorrow if I have enough time I'll write up a lovely schedule of my day - just to see what it looks like on paper... Hmm.. Journal paper! Okay, wish me luck in life!

-Morgan Raducan

January 14th

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today has been going well so far. I had an awesome workout on floor which is really "spiritually uplifting" for me. I have been having tons and tons of problems on it, and it's nice to be able to hit a couple routines. I also had a good vault and bars workout, and my beam was okay. I'm excited and hoping that I will make the Texas Flyers Invitational (or whatever it's called) team. I'm hoping to represent Topopolilly! I haven't really competed "internationally" for quite a while. I'm hoping that experience will, once again, be a help towards the area of my expertise - I don't really know what that means, but I meant I hope I do well in competition! It's nice to know that I am third in experience points rankings. Jennie is right on my tail, though! The rankings haven't been updated since January 9, 2003, and I'm wondering how I'm doing. I have been doing quality workouts (in my opinion at least) pretty much everyday. My routine are fine, I think. I'm just hoping that my beam routine isn't out of like a 20.0! One of my first "new code" (back in 2000ish) routines was out of a 10.8! Lois had me take out like half of my routine. =) I've been doing well in school... My finals are officially as follows... Well, actually I got another A, two A-'s, and a B+... Cool! Talk to you laterz...

-Morgan Raducan

January 12th

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was an okay day. I have been having so weird problems with Madison... I think she's leaving, but I have resorted myself not to apologize for any matter of anything! I didn't do anything! And she's giving me a bad name sort of thing... I am apparently (according to Dominique) a brainwashed Tiger... Not a very flattering comment. She's leaving because she claimed I called her something which I did because she is! Argh... Or in Madison terms: GRRR! This thing is just very very confusing. Anyway, my gym life is going fine. I'm hoping to make the Texas Flyers team. It isn't a set number of gymnasts, but I am hoping to keep my index up so I can go! I need to get back into action and get some more experience. Workout was okay, not great but not too shabby. I'm hoping that Coach Danny'll help me pick up the pace! He says I must not get lazy in my old age... I'm seventeen! Sheesh! At least I'm not the oldest in the gym ::wink wink to Brittney!:: He he he he... My hamPsters are doing fine... I have a tendancy to spell em' with a P, but that's okay! It bugs Sammie... Kinda weird, okay, ttyl!

-Morgan Raducan

January 11th

Dear Journal,
     Hello... Today was a pretty good day. I have been having consistant workouts all week. Madison and I miss each other a lot. We're only one dorm apart, but after being together for over two years, you kind of grow on the other person. We're plotting a way to be roomies again... not that Keshira isn't totally cool. It's been fun rooming with her. Our plan is to distract Grandma Benni first. I'll throw a tantrum in the laundry room while Madison "accidentally" knocks over the wall... We just haven't quite figured out how we're supposed to quickly and quietly knock over a wall. Or better yet! My three hamsters, Nilla, Milla, and Vanilla, will eat through the wall! Madison says it shouldn't be much of a problem considering the gym is pretty old. Well, I have an OK workout today. I still need a little more conststancy... That was kinda of redundant, but it's true. Sometimes I need more and sometimes I don't. It might be the fact that I have to adjust to eveyrthing new that's giving me a few problems. I'm happy for Jen and Jess who are still right by the top.

-Morgan Raducan

January 10th

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was a pretty good day. I had a good workout, despite problems in the intersquad. I have been working back elements that I had major problems with. I think I'm looking good and in shape for more upcoming competitions. I'm hoping to make the team for, or if I am already, do well in, the upcoming Texas meet. It would be cool to go down to Texas. I took a sizeable leap in the rankings all the way up to around ninth place - I think it was. Sammie moved up too, which I'm glad, and I'm hoping the rankings will start to form a little more. I have a bit of an edge just considering I am top three with experience, but Vada has even more experience points than I do! Hopefully experience will pay off in the next competition, since it obviously did not help much in the last intersquad. I think that my consistancy just wasn't there. I know, I know - I'm making up excuses but what can I say? They're there for the taking! =) I haven't really heard anything from my family except I got an e-mail (newsletter SF Daily Package) that had my brother, Derek in he. His high school soccer team apparently won the county championships and is going to Fairfield to play for state. If he places in the three there, he'll go to Oregon for the pacific division, and if he places top two there, he'll go to west division! And if he places I think top eight in west division (whole west of US), he'll go to nationals! It sounds super cool... And nationals are to be held somewhere near Indiana (well, closer than California, at least!) which mean maybe I can go! Maybe some of my teammates will want to come to and support my wwittle bwadda! He he... Well, I gotta go, wish me luck in everything! Oh! School has been great. I took three finals before Christmas break which I just got the scores of back - A-, A, and A-! Cool! And I took two after so I'm waiting for those!

-Morgan Raducan

January 9, 2003

Dear Journal,
     Well, I am quite disppointed in my intersquad performance. I just recently got the official scores and they aren't very good. I was just a little behind one of the newer girls, Jennifer Riordan and I was about a tenth and a half behind Madison. I was super happy for Jessica to win, as well as surprised as a string of three or four newcomers edged in-front-of Jennie, who was just obviously having a bad day. I went over to console her and then I teased her about how I was only thirteen places behind. Overall, Jennie didn't do to bad. I think she won beam with a 9.50, which is awesome. My best events were bars (9.075) and beam (9.050) which aren't horrid scores. I didn't fall on bars - I just slipped on my straddle back to handstand causing me to loose form and almost fall off, but I stayed in an attempted handstand and went right into my stalder combination, so I didn't loose the full .5 for form and touching matt, almost fall etc. ness. =) I did fall on beam. It was, of course, my front aerial combo. I did the front aerial - back pike nicely and I was a little off going into my 1 arm bh s/o and I basically missed the beam. So I almost did a layout like before in practice, but I fell to fast and bounced off the beam. It hurt a little, but I highly doubt it would be considered an injury. More like a bump that needed some TLC. I didn't really build all that well. My scores didn't escalate like they were supposed to, really. I'm happy that I wasn't last (poor Lindsey), but I'm not happy about twenty-third. Well, I'll just have to make sure Lindsey says she placed twenty-fifth... =) I'm excited about seeing my squad and hope that I'm in "a good one". I had just made it into the top squad before, and then Coach Lois decided it was too competitive, which was kinda a good thing. Then I think I was in Lily Squad... Or was it Tiger? Can't remember, but I liked being in Lily... I know I was at least once. Now I'm interested to see the squads! and which one I'll be in. Hopefully not the fading squad! I doubt that I will have been dropped down to that level. Ok! Well, until further notice - Boo!

-Morgan Raducan

January 8

Dear Journal,
     Hello! Today was a tiring day. I missed my morning workout (okay, the meet-day form link doesn't work!) and so I wasn't to the best of my shape for the intersquad. I did get there about an hour earlier so I could warm up and touch base on all of the events. My morning was hectic and crazy. I actually could have gone into workout a little late, but I chose to do my schooling session instead. I think a lot of girls missed it today so they could tak emore time to prepare for workout. School is very important to me and my family, so I chose it instead. It didn't have too much of an effect on me. I'm "still waiting for my scores" to get in for the intersquad. My bars and beam were pretty good - a few bobbles or form breaks, maybe. My floor was as I predicted - disastorous. I fell on my 2 1/2 - barani, so I didn't get any front - back combination... That was nine tenths right there. Not to mention the missing bonus, so I started from around a 9.8ish, or I would have if I didn't only do a 2 1/2 twist at the end which brought my routine down another tenth not to mention I step out... It was kind of a 2 1/2 + 1/2 pirouette step into out of bounds. My vault wasn't too shabby - at first. I nailed a beautiful double yurchanko, but I had major problems on my rudi. It was a 9.40 for my yurchanko and then I fell on my rudi which was more of a piked cuervo. I stopped after half a twist because my hand slipped, and I didn't have enought height. Then I fell because I was lower than I thought. I only score a 7.80... which was incredibly disappointing for me. I only know of my vault score because I saw them flash in the corner of my eye. We'll see how I did officially tomorrow... Oiy. Well, there's always some more upcoming competitions!

-Morgan Raducan

January 7

Dear Journal,
     Hello. Well, today went pretty well. He he he... I had an okay workout. I was a little nervous preparing for the intersquad tomorrow. I have been working extremely hard these past couple of days. I'm hoping with my short-term hard work (it was like a concentrated preparation for the meet) and my experience (third in exp. points! Go me!) I will do well in the competition tomorrow. There are a lot of new faces in the gym that look like they could flourish. Until today, I have never even heard of Dominique Miller and she was in second! That Liueken girl was in fourth, too. So some competition! Secretly I would really like it if someone, a more experienced gymnast, was to win. Maybe not Jennie Ray... =) She's won too many! he he, only joking. It would be nice if I won, but I'm just aiming for a top ten, maybe even fifteen finish. Not my normal go for top three-ness attitude. =) But it would be cool to medal (if they are having it) on an event final. Hoping for top! three on vault or beam! Those are actually good posibilities for me. When I was training at Cascade Locks for a while, I medalled in some events. I was actually known for doing well on bars for a while! Now I have gotten back to my vaulting and beaming ways of success. I think all the previous members of the gym know that I can walk down a vault runway practically and throw a layout rudi... Or walk down the beam into a 2 1/2 dismount... OK, of course I'm exagerrating a bit, but I think I've established quite a name when it comes to the vault and beam. My bars is definately original... That's for sure! I can still remember my first competition at Topopolilly... I was fourteen years old and competing in a meet against Planet Gymnastics (now is PFPG unless is closed) and I fell on almost every event I think! I either did really well or really bad on bars, I can't remember which, thought. Oh well. =) Ok, well, I should rest up for the big meet tomorrow! Wish me lot's of luck!

-Morgan Raducan

January 6

Dear Journal,
    Hello... Today was a pretty good day. I had a great workout. My vault and beam are looking top-notch, but my bars and floor aren't going so well. I'm happy to say that I'm on the rankings now (I want points! I want points!) =) =P . I think I'm in eighteenth place which isn't all that bad considering I started in the gym a little bit late. I'm hoping to have moved up a sufficient amount before the intersquad. The intersquad will be a good test for me to see how well and at what stage of readiness I am at, exactly. I have no doubts that I'll perform well on vault and maybe beam, but my bars is a little iffy. I have a good start value and can compete the routine well. I'd say it would be good if I started on bars to get it over with, then moved to beam where I can build momentum, do floor - eck! - then finish strong on vault. My floor is an entirely different story. I can barely hold down a double pike right now. I was considering changing my floor routine but then I decided against it. It was my favorite routine! I am also hoping to improve on my choreography. Well, I have to go, but I hope I do well in intersquad, competitions, getting to know my teammates, and much much more!

-Morgan Raducan

January 5

Dear Journal,
    Hello! Today was great! I had a terrific workout in the gym (well, pretty good for being my second this year), and I'm getting to know everyone a lot better. I hope that more updates will come and I'll be able to compete soon. I know there's an intersquad, but I am really striving for some international experience right now. I have the world wide competition bug! =P I have been doing perfectly well on vault and beam. My bars could be better but isn't, and my floor is like KAPLOP. I've been having so many different problems on floor. It's funny. Normally you hear about gymnasts who's bars are the demon, who can't get over vault problems, or who can't even walk down the beam. But hardly anyone has major problems on floor! I mean, sure, it's not everyone's bets event, but it isn't a big trouble spot for most gymnasts. Like, at least you can't really fall off the floor! My whip whip through to arabian double front is getting solid but my triple twist has been super shakey. Half the time I don't even get it all the way around. I'm hoping that after my routines are "analyzed" I will have enough bonus to go beyond a 10.00 and be able to only do a 2 1/2 if necessary.

-Morgan Raducan

January 4

Dear Journal,
    Hello! Today was a pretty good day. It's nice to finally be officially back in the gym. I tried to come to workout on the first but my flight was delayed and I had to wait until yesteday to fly in from San Francisco. I was quite disappointed, but the storm in San Francisco was a little over whelming! It was snowing for a bit on my plane ride here, but I survived the rest of the time. I am hoping to continue my good workouts like today. I'm glad to see a lot of new and old faces. I took a look at the rankings list and saw a big collaboration of gymnasts, new and old. And once again I just repeated myself. =P I hope that I'll get to know some of the new gymnasts and reconnect old ties with the returning ones! I'm happy to be back and rooming with Madison dispite any disturbed sleep... I'd miss a whole year of sleep to be back at Topo! Wish me luck in the upcoming season! My next competitions will consists of international competitions (if I make the teams) and intersquads! I'm also anticipating the exciting announcement if my squad!

-Morgan Raducan

January 3

Dear Journal,

    Yes! It has finally happened! There is an "eye" in the storm at least over Utah and Colerado! So, my plan is to fly (I am currenly on an airplane, by the way) to Aspen, Colerado. Then I will take a bus up north until I hit South Dakota. After, I will fly to Topo and arrived before lights out... hopefully! I didn't really have time for a workout today since I left so early in the morning. I took this because it seemed like my best option. I might otherwise have to wait for another whole week! I will write later... **** Well, I'm on the plane from South Dakota to Indiana and almost there! I am so excited to be back at Topo. I hope everyone remembers me and such! OK... well, wish me luck for the future!

-Morgan Raducan

January 2

Dear Journal,

    Hello. Well, today I decided to head into the gym. It's about eight o'clock at night and all of the other girls are probably finished getting settled and had a nice formal workout. Well not me! It's still snowing across the airlines (well, states in which the airports are), so instead of so many stops my other offer (they tried to get me, a gymnast at Topo, known in articles, to fly in Alaska air for promotions!) to fly to Alaska and then stay there for a day before they take me first class to Indiana. But Alaska is so cold! I said no and hoped that it would clear up before long. I am still waiting for it to pass. It is pouring rain and freezing cold. It might as well snow! I had an okay workout in the gym. I just went to the local one instead of Endo... I didn't feel like making my way all the way near the downtownish area in this weather. Instead I went to Acrosports where I was warmly welcomed. Their facilities are not world class (they are like a stepping stone for intermediate gymnasts), but the atmosphere is so warm and welcoming. I might head back into the gym (Acrosports) tomorrow if I am still "snowed in" as I call it. My mom and brother, Derek, have had a good time teasing me about missing workouts since I am usually so deticated to gymnastics. Ok, lights out for now for me!

-Morgan Raducan

January 1

Dear Journal,     Well, I'm supposed to be in Indiana right now, but I'm not. I am stuck in San Francisco. We were hit with a huge storm and were snowed in... okay, so the snow didn't actually reach San Francisco, but it did hit areas of Nevada, Colerado, and Utah which is where I was to fly to. My only other option was to take the Eva Airlines (Taiwanese airline) to LA... then take United to Houston, Texas, spend one night there... fly American to NYC... and then take a bus to Detroit, Michigan... spend the night there, and then fly to Indiana. So, I could either do that and arrived on January 3, 2003, or wait to see if it clears up. I obviously did not want to travel across the country to reach Indiana (literaly across the country) so I decided to wait. And here I am at home sweet home. Terrin was much smarter than me and took a flight to the east coast the day after Christmas. She was able to fly from NYC to Illinios December 31. I have been training a little, but not as much as I would like. If it doesn't clear up tomorrow, I'll probably head into the local gym - or maybe Endo. -Morgan Raducan

**All journals above are starting after the new Topopolilly season of 2003. If you would like to see previous entries, please click |Here|.

|Topopolilly Gymnastics|

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