How does TOPS work?
The following should be considered as my opinion, based on my experience.
What goes on in the Chapter? 
Here's what happens when you visit a TOPS chapter.  Members weigh in before the meeting, or a scale that looks like a doctor's scale, and this is recorded on special forms. Your weight is kept confidential between the member and the weight recorders, who are members of the chapter. Most members are trying to lose weight, but a few people join just to keep from gaining weight.  The first time you visit, you may not want to weigh-in at all, until you decide if you wish to join. It is a good idea to weigh-in before you try to start losing weight, as it is to your advantage to have your hightest weight listed as the starting weight, for competitions.
After the weigh-in, there is a business meeting, where members share whether they have lost weight that particular week, and encouragement is given. There is normally a contest which is tied to the amount of weight lost.  There are minutes and treasurer's reports, the kind of thing that happens at most business meetings of organizations.  After the business meeting,one member provides a program.  For example, it might be about a new weight loss method, or recipes, or general tips for losing.  TOPS is run by volunteers on the chapter level, no one is more of an "expert" than anyone else.  However, there are handbooks and resources available to help everyone.  Awards are given frequently to encourage those who are working toward their goals.
What about beyond the Chapter Level?
Chapters are organized into areas and districts.  There is an area recognition event, where members who have lost the most weight, and officers of TOPS chapters are recognized, and there is a state-wide event that provides the same thing, along with workshops and presentations.  There is also an gala International Recognition event, that is held in different cities in the US and Canada.
Leaders receive regular information packets from the national TOPS Inc. headquarters with new programs and current rules for recognition.
Each member receives a magazine every month, full of success stories, tips and contest ideas.
Dues are usually $4-5, paid monthly, to the chapter, to cover expenses, and once per year, $20 national dues are paid, which includes the monthly magazine.
Although there is not an officially sanctioned "one diet", TOPS has published an excellent book called "The Choice is Yours", which includes a balanced diet designed by a physician.  TOPS encourages members to get dietary guidance and weight loss advice from his or her own physician.  Each member's goal weight is determined by his/her physician.
What makes TOPS so successful?
Facts and observation both tell us that most people either can't lose the weight they have gained, or if they lose weight, that they gain it back, and more.  TOPS tries to combat that fact of nature with these strategies:
1. TOPS recognizes that short term solutions only yield short term results.  Many successful members have been involved for many years. A lot of emphasis is put on
continued recognition of those who have maintained weight loss.  Those who have gained weight back are considered "normal" however, and are encouraged to work on it together.
2. Because it is non-profit, largely run by volunteers, it is
affordable for long term involvement.  There are times when members have to miss weekly meetings, even for an extended period, but regular attendance makes a big difference on the scale. (It is reassuring though, that no one is getting rich from the money I have paid to TOPS.)
3. In spite of operating on a shoe string, you get tons of great advice from TOPS, both from the official publications and other members.  Some of it is as simple as, "So Kathy, you lost 2 lbs last week, what did you eat, and how much did you exercise?"
4. You start to feel like
you belong. You may or may not become outside friends with chapter members.  It is a good strategy to join with a buddy, although not necessary.  But you really get a sense that we are all waging the battle with excess weight together.  It can be very hard on your self-esteem, and the members of your chaper can really relate!! Even if you have a bad week, it is a joy to see someone else in your group shrinking before your eyes, or hearing that someone else just passed their tenth anniversary of losing 75 lbs.  TOPS is a real share and care place!
My Grandma belonged to TOPS!!!  How can it relate to me?
Grandma could have been a member, TOPS started in 1948 around a kitchen table with a group of women who wanted to lose weight.  But although you probably will not see any flashy television commercials for TOPS, it is keeping up with the times. 
It has websites: visit the national link on the topslink homepage.  There are a lot of member pages to be found with a search on "Take off Pounds Sensibly"  There are a number of TOPS informal email lists that you can join and read what members are saying.  Try "egroups"  to find several.
There is continued research being conducted, sponsored in part by TOPS, on genetic causes and cures for obesity.  Many members have been tested and their families are studied genetically to learn more about what everyone can do to prevent obesity, which is associated with many chronic medical problems.
TOPS has an elected board of directors who are always looking for suggestions regarding weight loss practices and recruitment.  There have been a number of rule changes in a short period of time, as the board tries to adopt to changing needs of members.
How do I know if TOPS is right for me?
Come for a free visit at one of our TOPS chapters.  Call the local TOPS Coordinator, Joann, at 488-3182, or me at 421-0314 (day) and we can advise you which chapter's meeting place and times meets your schedule best.  You may even want to try more than one chapter, or start your own group.
Just don't be embarrassed.  Everyone will understand your problem, believe me!  TOPS is there for you!
-TOPS Hugs, Claudia