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At The Cross


Woman’s Hand


Great sorrow fills the air

it crackles with dark and light,

the smell electric.


 Warm crimson droplet

 touches the hand on the foot

 then bounces to the ground.


No one  left at this place

except for the young woman

 who kneels at the foot of the cross,


holding fast to the foot

of the man there on

 salty water flows from her eyes


as she implores why him…

 why not someone else...

why can I not take his place


 She knows the answers

 to her questions, her heart aching

 for the appeared abandonment


of the man., the two others

are not noticed

as a cold crimson droplet


touches the hand grasping the foot

 an un-spoken bond is formed

 the price of the shared pain, (02/90)

Oncebefore Index

Whispers Invitation