Appendix E
A Selected List Of Research Studies Related To Aspects Of TORI Theory.

I. Studies Testing Assumptions and Principles.

Coppersmith, Evan, "A Study of the Development of Role-Freedom in the Tori Community Experience." Unpublished Master's thesis, California State University, Hayward, 1974.

Draeger, C., "Level of Trust in Intensive Small Groups." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, 1968.

Friedlander, Frank, "The Primacy of Trust as a Facilitator of Further Group Accomplishment." JournaZ of Applied Behavioral Science, 1970, 6, 387-400.

Garner, H. G., "Effects of Human Relations Training on the Personal, Social and Classroom Adjustment of Elementary School Children with Behavior Problems." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Florida, 1970.

Gibb, J. R., "Defense Level and Influence Potential in Small Groups." In L. Petrullo and B. M. Bass (Eds.), Leadership and Interpersonal Behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961.

Gibb, J. R., "Defensive Communication." The Journal of Communication, 1961, 2|3~, 141-148.

Gibb, J. R., Factors Producing Defensive Behavior Within Groups. Final Technical Report, Group Psychology Branch, Office of Naval Research, Contract Nonr-3088(00), 1962.

Gibb, J. R., "Climate for Trust Formation." In L. P. Bradford, J. R. Gibb, and K. Benne (Eds.), T-group Theory and Laboratory Method. New York: Wiley, 1964.

Leon, J. E., "Attitude Change, as a Result of T-group Sessions, in a Preteaching Population." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 1972.

Rutan, J. C., "Self-Acceptance Change as a Function of a Short Term Small Group Experience." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Boston University, 1971.

II. Studies Reporting Research on the Effects of The Tori Community Experience

Dahl, Rick F., "The Relationship of the Tori Community Experience to the Perceived-ideal Self Discrepancy." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, United States International University, 1973.

Lagoon, Sandra, "TORI: A Theory of Community Growth." Unpublished Master's thesis, United States International University, 1974.

Pressman, Marcia L., "A Study of an Intensive TORI Weekend Group Experience and its Effects on Interpersonal Skills." Unpublished Master's thesis, University of Utah, 1970.

Rossman, Sue A., "A Comparative Study of Self-disclosure in a Tori Community Experience. "Unpublished Master's thesis, United States International University, 1974.

III. Studies Reporting Research on the Effects of Applications of TORI Theory in Other Settings.

Byrd, Richard E., "Self-actualization Through Creative Risk Taking: A New Laboratory Model." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, New York University, 1970.

Clarke, Jack F., "Some Effects of Nonverbal Activities and Group Discussion on Interpersonal Trust Development in Small Groups." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University, 1971.

Gibb, Lorraine M., and Gibb, J. R., "The Effects of the Use of 'Participative Action' Groups in a Course in General Psychology." American Psychologist, 1952, 7, 247.

Himber, Charlotte, "Evaluating Sensitivity Training for Teen-agers." Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1970, 6, 307-322.

Ralph, Sara J., "The Effects of Positive Value Statements on Selfesteem." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, United States International University, 1972.

Robertson, V. M., & Wallace, S., "Self-perceived Gains by Adolescents from a Sensitivity Lab: A Study of Participants in the 12th National Hi-Y Assembly." Unpublished manuscript, October, 1968, 45 pp.

IV. Discussions of Methodological Aspects of Research on TORI Variables.

Gibb, J. R., "The Present Status of T-group Theory." In L. P. Bradford, J. R. Gibb, and K. Benne (Eds.), T-Group Theory and Laboratory Method. New York: Wiley, 1964.

Gibb, J. R., "Comments on Longitudinal Methodology." In J. L. Fearing and G. T. Kowitz {Eds.), Some Views on Longitudinal Inquiry. Houston, Texas: Bureau of Education Research and Services, University of Houston, 1967, Pp. 28-32.

Gibb, J. R., "Sensitivity Training as a Medium for Personal Growth and Improved Interpersonal Relationships." Interpersonal Development, 1970, 1, 6-31.

Gibb, J. R., "Effects of Human Relations Training." In A. E. Bergin and S. L. Garfield (Eds.), Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change. New York: Wiley, 1971.

Gibb, J. R., "The Message from Research." IN J. W. Pfeiffer and J. E. Jones (Eds.), The 1974 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators. La Jolla, California: University Associates.

Gibb, J. R., "A Research Perspective on the Laboratory Method." In K. D. Benne, L. P. Bradford, J. R. Gibb, and R. O. Lippitt (Eds.l, The Laboratory Method of Changing and Learning. Palo Alto, California: Science and Behavior Books, 1975.

Kegan, D. L., "Measures of Trust and Openness." Comparative Group Studies, 1972, 3(2), 179-201.


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