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Beaver Terminology

Coloured Beaver Hats

Beaver Hand Signal
Leader’s arm straight up with hand forming Beaver salute. This signals Beavers to stop everything they are doing and pay attention to the leader.
Beaver Salute
Special sign of greeting, like a peace sign made with bent fingers. It represents the two front teeth of a beaver.
Beaver Position
Sitting cross-legged.
Big Brown Beaver
A large toy Beaver mascot used in ceremonies.
Busy Beaver
Seven year old Beavers who are getting ready to swim up to Wolf Cubs.
Chopping Position
Squatting down with elbows on knees, both hands making a Beaver Salute.
The entire group of Beavers.
Dam Formation
Circle formation made by joining the ends of the riverbanks.
Eager Beaver
A Kit who has learned the Promise, Law and Salute and the opening, closing and investiture ceremonies.
Investiture Ceremony
A ceremony that officially welcome Kits into the Colony. At this ceremony Kits become Eager Beavers and are given neckers and all badge for the uniform that identify each member of our group
A child who has not yet been invested as a Beaver.
A small group of 4 to 6 Beavers.
Lodging Position
Same as Beaver Position
Magic Light
Symbol added to the White Tail halfway through the Beaver year. Relates to the magic light that changes Keeo to be able to talk to the Jones family.
Scarf that identifies members of a group. The 91st necker is green with yellow trim.
The meeting place.
River Banks
A formation in which the Beavers stand in two wavy lines, facing each other, about three feet apart.
Tail Level
Indicates age of Beaver through a tail worn at the back of the Beaver hat. Four levels: Brown (5 years), Blue (6 years), White (7 years), White with silver streak (7 1/2 years). Only one tail is worn at a time
Tail Slap
Part of the Opening; clapping hands behind your back imitating a Beaver slapping its tail.