A split seven inch with us and die emeror die is do out around... some time soon
We have a 3 songs demo. If you would like a copy talk to rusty drew sam will ali or the other sam.
our tour got busted, aparantly 3200 miles in 7 days was bit too much and our driver backed out. Maybe summer will bring more prospects of a cross country adventure.
More news as it comes...
More songs to be recorded, whos to say?

December 12: acoustic songs recorded in Wills garage on a taperecorder, new songs, ask rusty he'll know the score
Listen to our songs
I f anyone has any ideas of where we might be able to play, please contact one of us. We dont have anything booked right now.
Rusty: 762-2921
Will: 444-3204
We at the toru okada corporation would like to interest all of you in our new winter line of toru okada merchendise.
Ask about our new shirts, jackets, and demos, lunchboxes are still in the production phase