
A Brief History of a Fairy
Gallery Of Good Times
Gremlins Shrine
Luscious Links!
Writing projects
Like WOW! My page is totally under re-constructive plastic surgery!!

Yep, it certainly has been a long time since I updated this place! And yes, it means that it is in need of SEEEEERIOUS redoing. I have decided to get rid of all the crap I've had on here since I was thirteen... Gotta keep up-to-date!

Yes. So anyways, since June a lot has happened. I went to Chester again in the Summer, which was awesome fun. Received my Higher results - AAAAB. Fantastic! Turned 17 in August... Been having a boring ol' time in sixth year studying Advanced Higher French, Computing, Higher History and Int. 1 Spanish - which is one MILLION times easier than my Advanced Higher French! Been getting out more... you know, finally taking that "get a life" advice... And it's been fantastique!

I have received all unconditional offers so far from my University applications(to do Law and French, funnily enough), but I'm still waiting to hear from Edinburgh and Glasgow. Been working as a runner in a restaurant - stressful, but good banter. Have an amaaaaazing boyfriend. Got Distinction in my Grade 8 ballet exam. Had a fab Christmas and New Year... Prelims haven't officially started just yet, but I did my French Listening prelim today - scary stuff!!

OK... more later. Got to update everything else!

Adios chikaz!
Jem (a.k.a Ariel)~
Jemma Anne Martin
At the moment:
In 6th yr, bored as hell!
Fave colours:
Pink and bright yellow!
To do Law stuff for the E.U!
Random Phrase of today:
"Beat it!"
Me, pretending to be a fairy, again...
22-01-2007 18:28pm GMT
Totally Bored Fairy, a website designed, run and written by Jemma Anne Martin, since 2003!