Excerps from my work 'useful' file, misc. slashdot quotes and bits of code
It gives some idea what tickles my fancy or my attempt to be a serious techie!
http://www.humanmetrics.com [humanmetrics.com] has a great (free) typology test, but you have to remember to be dead honest with yourself when answering the questions (take your time!) once you have your personality type, the net makes it easy to 'find who you are'.
 Psychology 101... they're called the Big 5 personality traits. You exist on a spectrum of each trait which seems to not very much throughout your life span (introversion/extroversion is one of them).
We need to get off the forums (no offense TSS) and into writing articles, advertisements, open case studies and public presentation. The Microsoft FUD on your boss' desk MUST be drowned in a pile of alternative articles, reports, events and promotions.
So far OSS has been quite effective in creating top quality enterprise products like Linux, JBoss and Eclipse

Too Much Tech Diminishes Work Relationships?

Posted by michael on 01:47 PM August 9th, 2003
from the too-much-salt-spoils-the-soup dept.
Lansdowne writes "The Seattle Times has an article today on Tim Sanders, a Yahoo exec who claims too much technology may be bad for your health. According to Sanders, small groups of engineers who went to completely electronic communication in their workgroups became 'very lonely, depressed, negative, anti-social, brilliant people.'"
As many people have already pointed out, there is simply a correlation between technology and unhappy, depressed, anti-social geniuses. This is the easiest mistake a person can make when looking at correlations.

As any beginning psychology student can (should) tell you is that a correlation does not indicate a cause and effect. So, from this, we see that unhappy, depressed, anti-social geniuses use a lot of technology. We have a strong positive correlation between technology and depressed geniuses. It could be that technology causes it, or it could be that depressed geniuses like technology, or it could just be a coincidence.

In order figure out which it is, experiments need to be performed. Observation alone cannot figure this out.
if absolute speed were my only consideration, I would ditch J2EE and use Prevayler. And if I was using Prevayler, would I really need WebLogic.....? 
/There is only one true Application Server from India and thats Pramati....Sunone sucks in comparison to Pramati. Don't believe me - well try it out yourself..../
What is Grid?
Posted By: Talip Ozturk on August 21, 2003 @ 02:00 PM in response to Message #93207.
Grid is coordination of resource (CPU, Memory, Storage, Disk space, Database etc.) sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional environment.

there is very good webcast over at

to learn IBM's take on Grid, visit http://www-1.ibm.com/grid/# and click on the flash demo on the right.

to learn about the current solutions and usages, read the article at http://www.pcmag.com/print_article/0,3048,a=30686,00.asp 
Hi Guys,

McKoi is an open source database with great performance and excellent support. Check it out at http://www.mckoi.com and you'll be glad you did.
Mark as Noisy   |  Reply
2 replies in this thread
Message #93116
Check this out!
Posted By: Francis Amanfo on August 20, 2003 @ 05:58 PM in response to Message #93115.
I should mention that mckoi is 100% Java database engine.
Mark as Noisy   |  Reply
1 replies in this thread
Message #93134
Posted By: dot com on August 20, 2003 @ 08:39 PM in response to Message #93116.
I'm user the Daffodil DB guys are happy about the previous two posts.
Mark as Noisy   |  Reply
0 replies in this thread
Message #93141
No Updatable ResultSet
Posted By: S W on August 21, 2003 @ 12:45 AM in response to Message #93115.
McKoi is fine in general. But it doesn't have updatable ResultSets.
First time i've heard about Daffodil. How does it compare (in features/performance) to some of the other Java-based DB's? (Pointbase, HsqlDB, McQoi etc.)
 tinySQL - open source, 100% Java (Score:3, Informative)
by bjepson (994) on 11:23 PM October 30th, 2001 (#2501052)
Have a look at tinySQL [jepstone.net] - it's open source (LGPL), and 100% Java. It is an extensible SQL engine that has a JDBC driver. It started out life as a quick hack, but it's improved significantly thanks to the contributions of others. The most recent version is usually available in CVS, but there is a fairly recent tarball and jar file up there.


Freshmeat turned up a couple of possibilities: hysqldb and Mckoi SQL."

This is the homepage of the HSQL Database Engine (HSQLDB) Project hosted at SourceForge. We have as our charter the continuation of Thomas Mueller's closed Hypersonic SQL Project and have actively developed and released four new versions of the database since April 2001. The latest release version features a wide range of new functionality.

The last stable code from Thomas' project (version 1.43) is also available for download at Thomas Mueller's Hypersonic SQL page at SourceForge. Our version of this code can be downloaded from our Files site on the Project Page.

hsqldb is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC driver, supporting a rich subset of ANSI-92 SQL (BNF tree format). It offers a small (less than 160k), fast database engine which offers both in memory and disk based tables. Embedded and server modes are available. Additionally, it includes tools such as a minimal web server, in-memory query and management tools (can be run as applets) and a number of demonstration examples.

Downloaded code should be regarded as being of production quality. The product is currently being used as a database and persistence engine in many Open Source Software projects and even in commercial projects and products! In it's current version it is extremely stable and reliable. It is best known for its small size, ability to execute completely in memory and its speed. Yet, this feature-packed product is a completely functional object-relational database management system that is completely free underour licenses. Yes, that's right, completely free of cost or odious restrictions! Java source code and documentation ALWAYS included!
I am in DB Tools + Service and not parser.
I think a lot of these problems can be solved simply by observation of the real world, and then deciding to either subset it or superset it. It is easy to think of current existence as a black box with certain properties, that one would either want to take a subset of those properties, or extend them in some way. I don't think it takes a special book -- if you're looking for a book on life, try all the millions of great novels out there. Those writers (i.e. Steinbeck) present a lot of information about the design of a world in the way that they create their "virtual worlds".
IMHO, Oracle9iAS is just another J2EE application server. No much better or worse than others, but getting better with each version.

To a manipulator, all behaviors are manipulation. To a conspirator, all opposition is conspiracy. 
comment on http://armedndangerous.blogspot.com/
Eric is trying to move the battlefield from a legal to a moral one since at the end of the day morality *is* more powerful than legality (legality flows from morality and not vice verse).
To Steal from One is Plagiarism; To Steal from Many is Research.
Was to be sent to slashdot:
Storing Data:

Text: Have a 'useful' file for storing anything useful, it ended up largely full of quotes and sigs but is still searchable and 'useful'.

Email: Highlight email sent to me or my work group. Keep it all, acting on the emails requiring action immediately, and copy the best bits into a pending folder or personal which is periodically reviewed and put into 'silver' 'gold' or 'platnum' directories, so at least I review interesting email twice.

Bookmarks: Bookmark everything interesting and then review it and put it into 'junk' or 'silver' bookmark folders, keep all bookmarks, do not read many, brose the 'silver' links if bored.

emacs wiki: used to store logs of work in progress and seperate entries prer project for old work progressed.

At least I get to make a decision or two about all the information comming in, there must be a better way though.

When I tell small business clients that OpenOffice will write PDF documents just by going "save as", their eyes light up.
 .... for a while now. A couple of years ago the Dansish verson of RIAA set up a sting in the Student village where I lived. They nabbed one of the MP3/FTP site operators and cut him a deal. Then they monitored the traffic on the net for a few months in kahoots with the local net admins whom they also had by the balls. When they were good and ready people got billed. Some of these bills ran into the hundreds of thousands of Danish Krona. Of course it had no real effect on music piracy in Denmark, but it did cause a very sharp sore in the sales of USB hard disk adaptor boxes. Cheap and easily hidden!!
I was not boycotting the RIAA until they started doing this, now I will never buy another RIAA CD. I will buy used CDs from ebay
code page on the sybase odbc adapter see daniel and jim for details
Ian Clarke from freenet
 No, not for a second. I have a deep conviction that the freedom to communicate is absolutely essential to human progress. This conviction was forged during my youth growing up during quite turbulent times in Ireland, during which I learned that terrorism is not a product of freedom, it is a symptom of the absence of freedom and understanding. Censorship is the enemy of freedom and understanding, and therefore the friend of terrorism. 

soph·is·try    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (sf-str)
n. pl. soph·is·tries

   1. Plausible but fallacious argumentation.
   2. A plausible but misleading or fallacious argument.
Now don't get me wrong:  I love Hibernate and I think it's a piece of software that will pave the way for future persistence frameworks, but right now, it is showing that scaling and relational persistence are two goals that are extremely hard to achieve together.
Let's turn to J2EE application servers now.  Aren't they the epitome of component reuse?  When you write a J2EE application, you are reusing a staggering amount of components that have been written and packaged for you by experts:  web, database, remote access, transaction, security...

These are components right there.  Not the kind that Oliver Sims envisioned, but components nevertheless.

Components are happening.  Slowly, but surely and pervasively.  J2EE application servers provide us the equivalent of integrated circuits for the electronic world:  well-defined blocks of functionalities that developers can build upon to raise the level of abstraction that they provide.  We have the plumbing and we are now progressively building the house around it.

And J2EE is the main enabler for this amazing phenomenon.  I can't wait to see what the business world will look like in ten years from now...
The idea that J2EE provides lot of reusuable components like transaction, remoting etc is not actually components, it's just services provided by the Container. I want components in true business components (visual drag and drop). Java components currently are in state where C++ class libraries (MFC etc..). It did provide re-usuability but no where close to VB.

I want VB like environment. Business selling components which i can buy and glue and create application rapidly which will bring Java to everybody (small buisnesses to casual developers)
I opened up Eclipse, to list out the components I was using, to enumerate what I have used in production over the last few years:

· Jakarta commons net for NNTP
· Sf.net informa for RSS
· Antrl for parsing
· Cglib for OO
· Commons beanutils – as the name says
· Jakarta Commons langs – for strings
· Jakarta Commons validator – for client side java script validation
· Sf.net displaytag – for a grid
· Ibatis for DAO
· Sf.net Jasperreports – for reporting
· Itext – used by jasperreports
· Jdom – for XML
· Jakarta Jstl tag lib
· Struts menu – for javascript menus
· Struts-el, itself, the standard framework 
As somebody who comes from a Windows development background I'd add the following observations on the state of Java components
* The 'not invented here' syndrome seems to be far more evident in the Java world. There's too much re-invention going on - the Java world needs to standardize on
* Poor basic spec of GUI frameworks. I'm staggered by how little products like Struts and JSF offers out of the box. I for one can't take any GUI tier seriously that fails to include basic UI compoennts like a grid, scrolling table, and a tree.
Look at the Avalon project of Apache. For me the best introduction and framework for components. Simple and functional.

    submitInput2.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
        {//sumit insert
          Statement stmt1 = null;
          ResultSet rs1=null;
            Reader myread;
            BufferedReader br=null;
            stmt1 = TestFrame2.con2.createStatement();
            stmt1.execute("use ASSESSMENT");
            //rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("select * from tottable2");
            rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("select * from tottable");
            String str=null;
            while( rs1.next())
              char myintArray[]={0,104};
/*              str += rs1.getString(1)+"\n";
//str += rs1.getString(2)+"\n";*/
              br=new BufferedReader(rs1.getCharacterStream(1));
              StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
              char[] chars = new char[1024];
              int length = 0;
                while( length > -1 ) {
                  length = br.read(chars);
                  if( length > -1 ) {
                    result.append(chars, 0, length);
/*              boolean stopit=false;
              int myint=0;
                if (myint==-1)
                  //str+=new Character(myint);
                  // str+=String.valueOf(myintArray,0,2);
          catch (Exception e)
            catch(Exception e)
 mtgshare is on ade1
Single Server Applications ssa, top left on home, ireland page.
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release 3 (8.1.7) for Sun SPARC Solaris
	Download the Complete File
  		817solaris.cpio.gz (661 mb)
  		To extract shiphome, please do: gunzip 817solaris.cpio.gz; cat 817solaris.cpio | cpio -icd
  		Read the installation guide (pdf) and release notes before installing.
create or replace procedure bug1748858
 CURSOR UF1_cursor IS
 select ename from emp union select ename from emp for update of ename order by ename;
 open UF1_cursor;
 close UF1_cursor;
Oxfam Bookshop on Parliament St. for second hand books and cds
developer runs dirty first time but runs clear afterwards.
Your may also use an InputStreamReader with your specified encoding.  It would be best to look at the JavaDocs for the usage details.  Then it should be able to read the given character set of the file, if installed.
 A 20 year old interview with Bill Joy (Score:4, Interesting)
by tigersha (151319) on 11:17 AM September 9th, 2003 (#6910290)
Here is a cool 20 year old interview with him, written as far as I can see just after the first Mac came out. It makes for interesting reading:

ERROR 501: /root/.signature is locked
David Stynes, student working on testcases for bugs.
[as well as Padraig ___]
cp850 for sybase 11 odbc
phoenix squash club, 8530156
from www.theserverside.com
As I see it, Hibernate is a way for me to achieve database independence. If I want the app to run with Oracle, I set hibernate.dialect to cirrus.hibernate.sql.OracleDialect. For DB2, cirrus.hibernate.sql.DB2Dialect. For SAPDB, cirrus.hibernate.sql.SAPDBDialect. Etc
Chaos manager - personal information management tool with seperate note pages etc.
external tools in jdeveleoper 10g follow wizard to add an external tool
images Images problem with//ade1 go direct to the samba drive for clarification
At my company we subscribe to RedHat's "uptodate" service
staying up to date doesn't cost MUCH money. I normally run Debian, and once a day I usually run apt-get update/apt-get upgrade. This does sort of depend on a broadband connection, as some days the amount of upgrades would choke a dial up connection.
 Re:Staying uptodate costs money... (Score:4, Informative)
by lordcorusa (591938) on 04:26 PM September 11th, 2003 (#6935808)
If the only reason you pay for Red Hat Network is to get automatic updates, I strongly suggest you look at apt-get for rpm [freshrpms.net]. It provides the exact same updates as up2date, only they are free. If you don't trust them you can check the digital sigs on the packages; they come unaltered from Red Hat. Optionally, it can also provide additional packages not found on the Red Hat distribution.

Apt-get doesn't explicitly notify you when updates come in, however it is trivial to write a script to automate the process of checking for updates. For the super-lazy, you can even continue to use the free version of Red Hat's up2date notification icon to alert you when updates come in, and then use apt-get to actually fetch them.

Of course, there are probably other reasons you pay for RHN, such as technical support, a desire to give back to Red Hat, etc...

Just thought I'd make sure you know about an excellent free alternative.
I believe in freedom and self determination. Fear of terrorism is not a reason to change my mind.
For those who wonder, the incident involved someone setting up an IRC server app on my system, which then attempted to install itself, apparantly, on other systems that were better-secured than my own. Thereafter, I put everything behind a linux firewall that was locked down tighter than a nun's dainty underthings. I hope this humble and frank admission of ignorance will learn y'all to lock those ports down TIGHT!
 It's interesting that one would even compare security of operating systems anyway. Most of the time servers are behind a firewall only exposing a few ports (25,80,443,etc.). A better comparison for security would be on those third-party applications you mentioned. How secure is the web server you are running? or how secure is that mail program?
 use a firewall and intrustion detection system, 
calendar use yahoo calendar cut and paste into composer. remove [add], remove week and add a few newlines to a few lines.
We've been evaluating the Emic application cluster for MySQL and have had pretty good results. It's a new product (so YMMV), but it looks promising.
Emic Networks [emicnetworks.com]
You should investigate eRserver [erserver.com]. It was originally a commercial replication product for Postgres but has been open-sourced. I haven't tried it yet but it's on my to-do list.
island.com up to date nasdaq quotes.
java trace tool: jLouiss java tracer
jLouiss is a shared library for logging of start and return of Java methods together with their parameters and result values. Is is designed as an add-on to the JDKs 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 by various vendors. The tracer output can be controlled by using regular expressions. jLouiss is designed on the JDK JVMDI interface (older releases used the JIT interface).
jLouiss (40k) is an experimental new tool for logging the trace of Java method calls and method returns together with their parameters and results by using the JVMDI interface. This works on Linux, W32 and MacOS X.
dos2unix alters the file in the argument it is not suitable for piping, feck
from slashdot.org:
Bittorrent [bitconjurer.org] is currently the most viable legal method for large scale P2P. Just look at the network [aixgaming.com] traffic [gametab.com] that a site can sustain using Bittorrent's "swarm" download method. With it, a relatively small site can host a half-gigabyte file and transfer 1.31 terabytes  [gametab.com] of data!
I think p2p is here to stay, and there are still features that need to be put in place univerally before it's mature, and all the various p2p flavors are comparable.

The various bits are there scattered across different p2p networks. IMNSHO, all p2p networks/clients ought to have:

-Swarming (as defined/used in BitTorrent)
-Privacy/anonymity (perhaps as much as in FFreenet)
-Good searching (Kazaa, Napster, those typees. With room for improvement all around)
-Open-source clients with no ads/spyware
-Decentralized/self-organizing networks (noo central point of failure, or at least minimal)
-Browser/web server hooks to autoswarm web  content (there ought to be bittorrent:// links)

Pardon my BitTorrent bias. I moderate the bittorrent_help mailing list, so I have more exposure to that.

All these features should someday be pushed into numerous language libraries, so that they become ubiquitous.
It does work, and I for one have had good experiences of it, and I'll tell you one thing. Its a damned sight easier to get rid of the shit person on your project in India than it is in the US.
So they're finally realizing that you can't skip the analysis of an action, just because it's the hot new thing all the management consultants are raving about
Nope. They're realizing that the current Offshore IT fad is over-rated. Come the next fad they'll be praising it to high heaven as if there had never been any other fads. The IT industry has no long term memory at all.
Each fad is not seen as a concept tried and failed, but as a goldmine harvested and now mined out. Time to move to the next one.
 Not that I don't want to see a GNU Fortran 95, but if you can tolerate free as in beer software, Intel makes their fortran compiler available for free for noncommercial use on Linux: IFC [intel.com]

 There is also the F programming language which is a (mostly) tastefully selected subset of Fortran 95: F [fortran.com].
example of connecting, reading from an nclob, and writing to an NCHAR, the NVARCHAR2 did not seem to work, 
SQL> desc tottable
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 TOTNTEXT                                           NCLOB

SQL> desc tottable2
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 MYNCHAR                                            NCHAR(200)
 MYVARCHAR                                          NVARCHAR2(200)

package aplpi.rc2jdbc;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;

public class TestApp3 
  Connection con;
  public TestApp3()
        (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
      con = DriverManager.getConnection
      Statement stmt1 = null;
      ResultSet rs1=null;
      String thaiString="";
      StringBuffer result=new StringBuffer("");
      stmt1 = con.createStatement();
      rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("select totntext from tottable");
      BufferedReader br=null;
      while( rs1.next())
        br=new BufferedReader(rs1.getCharacterStream(1));
        char[] chars = new char[1024];
        int length = 0;
        InputStreamReader myisr=null;
        while( length > -1 ) {
          length = br.read(chars);
          if( length > -1 ) {
            result.append(chars, 0, length);
      oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement pstmt = 
      con.prepareStatement("insert into tottable2 values(?, ?)");    
      // oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement.FORM_NCHAR should be used for all NCHAR, 
      // NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB data types.
//      pstmt.setFormOfUse(1, Const.NCHAR);
      pstmt.setFormOfUse(1, oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement.FORM_NCHAR);
//      pstmt.setFormOfUse(2, Const.NCHAR);
      pstmt.setFormOfUse(2, oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement.FORM_NCHAR);
      String myString = thaiString;
      pstmt.setString(1, myString);  // NCHAR column
      pstmt.setString(2, myString);  // NVARCHAR2 column
//      ResultSet rs1=null;
//      Statement stmt1 = null;
      stmt1 = con.createStatement();
      rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("select * from tottable2");
      String str="";
      String str2="";
      while( rs1.next())
        String myS=rs1.getString(1)+"\n";
        String myS2=rs1.getString(2)+"\n";
        str += myS;
        str2 += myS2;
      int c=0;
    catch(Exception e)
  public static void main(String[] args)
    catch(Exception e)

    new TestApp3();
third-party providers like Trillian or Gaim.
\Christian Bauer\
Can you point out the part of Gavins or Bills message where it says "will only be usable with JBoss"? I really wonder why all you guys never read any article, you don't even have to click somewhere.
\Christian Bauer\

It's merely speculation at this point, but it's speculation with some interesting evidence behind it. Also, before I go on please keep in mind that Mr. Fluery is _not_ going to stand up and announce "I'm slowly pulling in popular Open Source projects under my umbrella in an embrace and extend strategy with an ultimate goal of locking people into JBoss proprietary features". That sort of thing just isn't done :-) 
so 12 months on in september 2004, has jboss integrated such stuff as to make external use problematic.

if this means I can't use Hibernate or JavaGroups without a bunch of JBoss code then it's a murky path.
JGroups is a toolkit for reliable multicast communication.
>Although we will eventually be 99% of the app server market just as Apache because 99% of the web server market, this currently isn't the case. BEA and IBM still have large user bases that can leverage Hibernate.

Someone better check their facts. I suspect that Microsoft alone has way more than 1% of the web server market with IIS (not to mention the use of WebSphere, IBM and Oracle for web server only deployments).

As for the comment that JBoss will have 99% of the AS market that just way way too ridiculous to comment on.
Are my sophistical comments too ridiculus to comment on when I hope they get a point across, like should I stretch towards that far unreachable goal


adj : plausible but misleading
soph·ist    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (sfst)

         1. One skilled in elaborate and devious argumentation.
         2. A scholar or thinker.
   2. Sophist Any of a group of professional fifth-century B.C. Greek philosophers and teachers who speculated on theology, metaphysics, and the sciences, and who were later characterized by Plato as superficial manipulators of rhetoric and dialectic.

 I fear the geeks, even when they bring GIFs
 Oh come on people, stop modding up obvious karma-whoring / trolls.

(selling software is not dead, saying it is not interesting, kthxbye)
Compaining about people painting stuff in black and white and taking things to extremes is this sophistic processesin action every day on slashdot.
"Are you sure you don't need Arcserve for Linux for your tape drive?...dar? oh tar...tar? I really think you need Arcserve for schedule backup....cron?...."

"Are you sure you don't need GEAR PRO for your CDRW drives? I believe you need it for writing some CDRW....I don't think there's any CDRW burning software bundled....what cdrecord?...."

"Are you sure you don't need any antivirus sof"
 Try Teamspeak [teamspeak.org] - I always loved SpeakFreely but since I used Teamspeak for the first time, I've never looked back - the best voip software for Windows/Linux (If you use something else that won't help you much, of course =)
I do agree that NAT isnt really security, just a very easy to setup a firewall that allows outgoing connection initiation only by default.
order for proclaimers born innocent
 I point everyone to NameProtect [nameprotect.com]. Their NPBot [nameprotect.com] hit my page a couple of times before I told it not to. Basically, it scours your website and looks for songs. It then collects the links (not the music) and tries to get a bounty from the artist (?) by showing you that someone is sharing their music. It's other business model is that it can be contracted to find your music on websites.
 Old Fight (Score:5, Insightful)
by mphase (644838) on 07:29 PM September 19th, 2003 (#7008984)
There has been outcry over sites being shutdown for mp3 serving, it's was just a small shortlived outcry that was solved by Napster. If p2p is ever succesfully shutdown they will be an instant rush back to http mp3 trading.
Don't move! Or I'll fill you full of... little yellow bolts of light - John Crichton
 It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Score:4, Interesting)
by dan dan the dna man (461768) on 08:09 PM September 19th, 2003 (#7009235)
(Last Journal: 08:39 AM September 15th, 2003)
I confess I'm a pirate. So are my friends.
We download, we vet the downloads. We upload songs to private FTP servers with the bandwidth we're not using when we're at work.

We have a trust based, friend based, non peer to peer, but distributed, quality controlled file sharing experience.

It's great. It doesn't get flooded with crap, it doesn't get flooded with music we don't like. Anyone with an account on the machines is known to everyone else.

Gosh it sounds just like some warez servers back when I used to have an interest in warez, or hacker BBS's when I had an interest in that.

The web? That's all a bit new fangled for us..

    Source: geocities.com/totierne