Lucky opened the door of his parents' house in a bang. He got in, followed by Elizabeth.

"-MOM? DAD? LULU? He bellied

-Where is everybody? Asked Elizabeth? Your dad wasn't at the club"

They saw Luke coming down the stairs, barefoot, wearing only his bathrobe. Lucky understood he probably disturbed them during an intimate moment, but there was no time to feel sorry for them. Jeremy was still missing, and it had been nearly a day. Too long.

"-Cowboy, what are you doing here? Asked Luke, embarrassed

-Dad, you need to keep an eye on Elizabeeth. Don't let her out of your sight

-Why? What's wrong?

-Helena kidnapped Jeremy

-What? How?

-He was playing outside the motel room aand they took him. I wasn't paying attention, I didn't hear anything. Now I have to get him back, but you have to make sure Elizabeth doesn't leave this house. And neither do you

-I'm coming with you Cowboy, there is noo way you are taking Helena by yourself

-Dad, Jeremy is my son and I will do thiis my way you hear? Your job is to take care of my wife while I'm gone"

Lucky kissed Elizabeth and told her everything would be all right, he would bring the kid back with him. He didn't take time to listen to her protestation and plea to take her with him and got out. Running out, he heard his dad tell Elizabeth;

"-Bossy ain't he?"

And would have made Lucky laugh, normally.


Lucky entered in the living room on Helena's boat,. He looked around and noticed nothing's changed since the last time he was there, last year. He started to look around, even though he knew Helena would never leave evidence of her crime lying around, she was too much cautious for that. Tired of waiting to be remarked, Lucky started to make noise, only to see Ari running in the living room. Lucky lifted his fist, and showed his gun.

"-Get Helena in here. He said

-I'll go get her, said Ari

-No. You will call her. I'm not stupidd enough to let you go and get your friends. Now, SLOWLY, take your weapon out and put it on the table

-What weapon?


Ari slowly took his gun out and threw it on the table in front of him, and called Helena. Lucky took the weapon and put it in his pants, behind him. Helena showed up, asking what was all this yelling about and stopped when she saw Lucky, his fist up, menacing her with his gun.

"-Where's Jeremy? He asked

-What makes you think I would have your 7 year old son? Answered Helena

-Oh Gee, I don't know, maybe because NO ONE except my father knows who is Jeremy and how old he is. That means you tapped his phone like I thought and traced me down.

-Very clever young Spencer, but I'm sorrry, I don't have your son.

-That's bull and you know it. Now, eithher you give him back to me unharmed, right now, or I'll blow your head off.

-No you won't. You see, you think I havve your son, and you wouldn't kill me because there would be no way you could ever get him back"

Lucky slowly took his arm down, and passed a hand in his hair. He was looking everywhere, and laughed a little.

"-Oh well, I haven't thought about that, you are right. I can't kill you"

Ari made a move towards him, but Lucky took his arm up again.

"-Oh wait, he said, I did thought about it!. I know how the Cassadine/Spencer war works Helena, I've been in all my life. I know that it's an eye for an eye, a son for a son. Now, it's common knowledge that you don't care about Stefan, so I'll tell you what I thought about. No, I have a better idea, I'll show you!"

Still holding the gun up, Lucky walked backwards all the way to the door, opened it, and went halfway outside. Helena saw him pull something, and her heart stopped at the sight of Nikolas, his hands tied behind his back, his mouth gaged by a handkerchief. Nikolas had his hair all out of place, and he was pushed forward by Lucky. Nikolas looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"-Now, Helena, I know you don't like your son, but what about your grandson? Last I heard, you loved him. What do you say? A eye for an eye, a son for a grandson?

-You wouldn't hurt your brother. You loove him

-I love Jeremy even more. And don't forrget, I'm a Spencer. I'm vengeful. You took something that matters to me a lot, and now I'm gonna do the same. The question is, will you let your hatred for the Spencer get in the way of your love for Nikolas?

-Lucky, I don't have Jeremy, and even iff I would, you are bluffing"

Helena saw Nikolas shake his head really fast, he was panicking. His eyes were going from Helena to Lucky, and cold sweat were running down his forehead. He was making little noises, like he was trying to talk. The handkerchief was covering his whole mouth, and he couldn't talk.

"-I'm bluffing. Nikolas, she thinks I'm bluffing, can you believe it? Lucky asked, while Nikolas shook his head again, looking at his brother, while muttering something. Now, Helena, are you getting Jeremy or not?

-Lucky, I don't have your son, and you wwon't hurt my Nikolas. He is your brother and you have a strong sense of family.

-I know he is my brother, but you see, II love my little boy so much, I would kill my own mother to save him.

-But killing Nikolas won't save him

-Oh I know, but at least it will give mee the satisfaction of knowing I'm not the only one losing something! Now, go get Jeremy. It's your last chance. I'm counting to three"

Lucky took the gun, and put it on Nikolas' temple. Nikolas tried to move his head out of the way but, with the look Lucky gave him, he stopped moving, but he continue to mutter, looking at Helena.

"-One, Lucky said

-You're bluffing"

Lucky slowly armed the gun with his thumb, and winked at Helena. Helena saw Nikolas close his eyes, while two big tears rolled down his face.



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