Elizabeth saw an Explorer coming their way and hid with Jeremy. She didn't want to be found. Lucky wasn't here to tell them what to do now, and she was scared. Scared something would happen to Jeremy, to her, to Lucky. What if it was Helena's men in that truck? What if Ari gave them their position? Jeremy was shaking in her arms. The poor boy was scared to death, and so was she. Suddenly, she heard a voice she knew oh so well.

"-Elizabeth? Jeremy? Come on, we don't have time to play hide and seek, get out!

-Lucky, Over here!

-Don't move, wait till I get to you, staay out of sight"

Elizabeth jumped in the truck, and Jeremy went in the back seat.

"-Lucky Spencer's dead. He said

-What are you talking about?

-He had a terrible car accident with thee celebrity. Got into a brick wall, and died from the explosion.

-Oh My God, are you OK?

-Yeah, I jumped before it hit the wall, or I wouldn't be here, would I? He asked with a smile

-Don't joke about this Jonathan, you could've been killed! She answered, mad

-Elizabeth, honey, this was my only way out. I didn't have a choice. It was either that, or get caught and killed in a corn field! Now, I have two way to look at it. Joke about it, or get sick about it. Which will it be?

-I'm sorry, it's just that we were worriied sick about you

-I can take care of myself. Are you OK Cowboy?

-Yeah, I'll be OK,

-Jeremy, I'm gonna ask you this once. II know a family in Port Charles who would take you, no questions asked. Would you rather Elizabeth and I drop you off with them so you won't be scared anymore?


-Ok, Ok, son, I was really hoping you woould say that, because I would miss you too much."

Lucky stayed on little country roads, until he stopped at this little bed and breakfast. He wanted to eat, and take time to plan their next move. He knew Ari would be looking for Jeremy and Elizabeth and, when he wouldn't find them, he would figure out Lucky got out alive. They had to be careful. Being on the run like this was harder than he first thought. Last time, his dad was in control, now it was him, and, three times now, he put Elizabeth and Jeremy in danger.

"-I know! He said. Forget Florida!

-What do you mean? Asked Elizabeth.

-Gather the stuff, we are not staying heere after all.

-Why not?

-We are going to the airport.

-Airport? For what? Where are we goingg?

-Didn't you say you missed your parents??"

Elizabeth's mouth nearly dropped on the floor at his question. He couldn't be serious about this could he?

"-Lucky, we can't go see my parents!

-Why not?

-Because they will call Gram and that wiill leave a trace won't it?

-I'll call dad and tell him to call Audrrey. Tell her to call your parents from a pay phone, and tell them she sent us. That way, they won't call

-Yeah but what about Jeremy? How the heell am I supposed to explain my son?

-He'll be my little brother!

-And why isn't he in school?"

Lucky was hating it. She was right, absolutely right. That's why he was hating it!

"-OK, how about you go see your parents and Jeremy and I will see the town?

-But I want you to meet my parents. Andd you too Jeremy, I'm not ashamed of you, but they will freak.

-Like Audrey won't?

-Good point Spencer. You know what? Sccrew them. Did they give a damn when they shipped me at the Johnson's?

-You're not afraid they will forbid you to come back? Asked Jeremy

-So what? I am a married woman now, shee said with a smile, they can't make me do anything anymore

-Elizabeth, we are not really married, yyou know that. All these papers are false ones.

-Oh I know, but they don't"

Lucky was stunned. Was she really serious about this? Going to see her parents and take the chance they won't let her leave anymore? What about Sarah? She could be their ally, or their enemy, what would it be?

On their way to the airport, Lucky stopped at a jewelry store, then City Hall. Elizabeth was wondering why. Jeremy saw him get out of the car, enter City Hall, then ask them to come with him.

"-Why lie to your parents? I asked if it would be possible to get married right away, and they said yes, since we are leaving the country said Lucky

-You mean we are getting married right nnow?

-Yes, unless you mind

-Of course not!"

The justice of the piece was an old man, all smiles.

"-Now, normally, we don't do this on such short notice, especially with young people like you, but we decided to make an exception this time. The judge said, are you ready?

-Yes, said Elizabeth

-Of Course! Replied Lucky

-I am too! Said Jeremy, getting everyboody to laugh"

The judge started his speech, about the importance of love, commitment, cherishing each other, faithfulness, and everything else to expect from a marriage.

"-Lucky, do you take Elizabeth to be your wife, and to respect everything I talked about?

-I do

-Elizabeth, do you take Lucky to be yourr husband, and to respect everything I talked about?

-I do

-By the power invested in me, I now pronnounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride

-Can I kiss her too? Asked Jeremy

-Of course you can, said the judge, laugghing. Sorry if it was short, but Lucky asked me to speed it up not to miss your plane.

-Thank you"

Lucky kissed Elizabeth, followed by Jeremy, and they ran out of City Hall, laughing. Lucky made a U-turn, and Elizabeth was wondering why. After all, the airport was on the other side of the town, she saw it on the map! Lucky stopped in front of a house, asking both of them to get out.

Lucky rang the doorbell, and a middle-aged man opened it. They got in the house and Lucky sat at the kitchen table, taking Jeremy on his lap.

"-Now, Lucky, Sonny called me about your request. I don't agree to it, you both are minors, but I'll do it anyway. You have to know, that if someone from the boy's family come to claim him, this will be invalidated.

-I know Maurice.

-Jeremy, I'm gonna ask you a couple of qquestions OK?

-Ok, what?

-Where are your mom and dad?

-They are right here! He answered, poinnting Liz and Lucky

-No I mean your real parents? And I wannt the truth

-They died, a long time ago. I lived wiith my brother Jarred before he died, 2 years ago

-How did Jarred died?

-He had aids. He used to take drugs andd he got infectled.

-Infected you mean?

-Yeah. That. After he died, I was in tthis center for kids, but I always got beat up, so I left.

-OK, now, one more question, do you wantt Lucky and Liz to be your real parents?

-But they are!

-No they are not. I'm gonna write a papper that states that the country recognize them your real, adoptive parents. Would you like that?

-YEAH! And then no one could take me awway from them?

-They'd have to go to court for that, annd I don't think they would win anyway"

Maurice started to write something, and he gave the paper to Lucky for him to sign. Lucky read it carefully, then sing at the bottom, before passing it to Liz. She did the same, and Lucky saw she was crying when she signed it. Maurice took it back, and continued to fill it.

"-Now, last question Jeremy, what is your whole name?

-Jeremy Jesse Herbst.

-You want to keep it? Or change it to SSpencer?

-Can I change it? I want to be Jeremy LLucas Spencer.

-Of course, I will write it here and youu will now be Jeremy Lucas Spencer. Congratulations, said Maurice, shaking the boy's hand, you are legally the son of Lucas and Elizabeth Spencer

-How much do I owe you? Asked Lucky

-Nothing, Sonny took care of it"

Jeremy held Lucky close, and Elizabeth came into the embrace. They left and, on their way to the airport, Lucky looked at Elizabeth and said;

"-Now, everything is legal, and there is nothing your parents, nor anyone else, can do a damn thing about it!"


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