..........Religious Beliefs

..... This is all the explanation you get right now because I'm doing this from work and really should be doing my job. More will come though, TRUST ME! This is a topic I enjoy discussing and my job is boring.

Oh yeah, while you are at it, go read about Papal Towels. It's a parody, but thought provoking.
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..........As you might have guessed, I'm not very religious. I'm actually Agnostic. This is not the same as an Atheist though so don't be ignorant and think otherwise.
    By definition:
  • ag·nos·tic n.
  • One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists.

..........Many people have said that they have had interesting experiences after or near death. I've died enough times that I should be an expert in the field but I have seen no proof to support a religion of any kind. I never saw any lights at the end of the tunnel, or heard any voices singing angelic praise. I used to have a theory on the light at the end of the tunnel. A man was crossing the street to go home from work one day but he was hit by a city bus before he could reach his car. The man was rushed to the county hospital and pumped full of morphine while in the hospital. The man is semi-consious but the effects of the morphine are to keep him sedated and only responsive enough to take his vital signs and the whole time, the paramedic is shining his flashlight in the poor guys eyes the whole time to see if they dialate of if he's going into shock. The whole time, there is a lot of talking in the background and the poor guy is still doped up. The next stop isn't any better because he's placed on an operating table with one of those 7-bulb operation lamps that pump out seventy thousand watts of light and the guy is looking up at it while still doped up listening to the doctors and nurses who are crowded around him. Tell me that doesn't leave some kind of effect.

..........A friend of mine who majors in psychology says that it's caused by the neurons in the brain firing off rapidly as it starves for oxygenated blood. This may be true also.