Look at that DEAD SEXY truck....Thats Brads truck....unfortunately they never got enough speed while hitting this hole and they never got through it all the way unless I pulled them through....Once I tried to pull it out backwards and it was the hardest thing to do because of the ruts that were on the other side. Brad is always fun to go out in the woods with though cuz he will pull you out and hook up straps and try anything almost. He will also let Logan drive his truck. Some people go mudding and avoid getting dirty and hooking up straps and are big pussies with their trucks and that REALLY ANNOYS ME...they might be on the right of this picture in RED....hint hint....next time you go mudding dress for the occasion and plan on getting muddy and hook up your own stuff!!! Oh ya and dont whine....
Here is JB's Nissan. He got stuck the first time just driving up to this hole...we tried pushing it out but it didnt work....No one really hit this hole with any speed other than me....and I was the only one who went straight through the hole and made it all the way through....I went first and I went last after everyone dug it out really deep....But, it was harder the last time.
A picture of my lover out in the woods....