It is a long story, but me and Brad were supposed to go mudding down Catfish once he got off work. Me and Tara went out there early to test my winch and it messed up and then my truck wouldn't re start and I blew an 80 amp alternator fuse cuz I have a 160 amp alternator custom put in by me and my dad cuz the Toyota ones couldn't handle it. Brad noticed the fuse and took us to the Toyota dealership and we got a new one for $8.20 and they explained how  to take out the fuse by taking off the fuse box, pushing down the fuse an inch, taking off two bolts, two wires, and then the fuse would come straight out....very weird i thought, but BRAD SAVED ME and I cant thank him enough for it..
We found a small path out to this powerline and then we went down it one way and tore it up a lil bit cuz it was really soft. But, we had fun sliding around until we had to turn around at what looked like a small swamp or low to low for anything but a boat to go through......
More pics of Brads truck....