Do many people aware of Heins Ward? About one year ago, many people, especially Koreans, focused on him. He was black man, not completely black because his mother was Korean. Because of his appearance, however, Heins Ward should suffer by racism that is widespread. Despite of all barriers, he achieved the success. Therefore, people praised Heins Ward more. Through Heins Ward, people can think more deeply about racism but what I really want to focus is that people forget easily. Maybe that can be the one reason why racism cannot easily remove. In spite of development, racism cannot be receded in 21th century because of superiority of one country and human nature.

Firstly, unless all countries become equal, there should be the racism. Racism was made by the predominance of one country. Through variety wars and conflicts around the people, the winner was conceptualized as the supremacy of the loser in the past. The winner conquered the loser and treat loser as slave. The winner completely overruled the loser. This process brought the racism. Nowadays cannot be the exception. There is less warfare that before but still there are competitions. Through economic struggles, the wealthy country has higher position than the poor country. The well developed country cannot completely overrule the undeveloped country physically but economically. The powerful countries possess the elevated position. In this situation, the people in better condition can think that they are better than the other who is in worse condition. When people distinguish the poor and the rich, it is the start of racism. By considering the two differently, people can sometimes ignore and disregard others. The competitions, however, inevitable and, through competition, some may win but others will lose. Until the whole countries occupy the same stand, racism is unavoidable.

Lastly, people gain prejudices or racisms unconsciously through various ways. People have prejudices and racisms unconsciously. Even though they know racism is wrong, however, when people confront in the situation, they should treat them as similar as the one that they denounced before. Maybe, racism can spread through various media which people encounter in daily life. Like movies, majority criminals or villains are Blacks before. In recently, it changes into Asians. Moreover, the history which students should learn is focused on Western history. The students have less probability to have interest in others. In addition, news that regard as important is always related with USA or other well developed country. Involuntarily, people think westerners are superior to other races.

In conclusion, racism is unavoidable. To compete with others, which make the winner and the loser, is human nature. Also, people gain racism through various ways. Therefore, racism cannot be removed.

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