
You walk into the library, easily stepping over a low wire streched across the doorway. TailMon, who is built more low to the ground, trips over it. She snarls. "Taichi Kamiya! Get in here!" Tai walks in, looking innocent. "Why is it every time something happens, you right away decide it was me?" Izzy walks out of the mostly empty bookshelves. "Essentially, because it usually IS you, Tai. Hello, TailMon." TailMon gets up and nods a greeting. "Hi, Izzy. How are you liking your new job?" Izzy raises an eyebrow. "It's not what I would call strenuous. There's so little here that I have plenty of spare time for my other pursuits." TailMon wrinkles her nose. "Not my fault. Those who are SUPPOSED to be giving me ideas tend to disappear when it's time to earn their keep." TailMon glares at Tai, who just grins. "Hey, it's not my fault Matt is lazy." You hear Matt's voice from another room. "I heard that, Tai, and I'm not the one who's lazy." TailMon grins while Tai winces. "Matt's right. He isn't. So, still here, huh? Well, Izzy, take the visitor to the book. Tai and me need to... discuss some things." TailMon herds her errant muse out the door, and Izzy shakes his head. "Follow me, please." He leads you to a very small book, then stops. "This is the directory book. Simply choose a story, and the book will take you to it. It's quite easy, you should be fine on your own." Izzy wanders off, taking out his laptop. Looking at the book, you see there are no stories listed on the first page. Instead, there is one short paragraph.

All yaoi, yuri, and lemon fics will be clearly marked. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. Don't flame the kitty-cat who has the Lightning Claw attack. Or you'll be sorry.

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