Tracey's Tarantulas
An introduction to the world of tarantula's.
General care, and photo's included.
This is Poppy, a Poecilotheria regalis. (Indian Ornamental)
This is Jerico, an Acanthoscurria geniculata. (Brazilian white knee.)
With over 800 species of Tarantula there are a lot of different spiders to choose from.
Some are not good pets for the beginner.

Both Poppy and Jerico are not beginner spiders, but they are a beautiful addition to any collection.

For feeding
The following spiders are a mixture of temperament. Bella is large and not really a beginners pet, but Milly is a good starter spider. She is very reclusive, but many people have found them to be good pets.

Huyana is a young tree spider, most members of the Avicularia family should make a good first time pet, this one combines beauty with a gentle temperament, the urticating hairs are very effective though.
Teddy is a male Goliath and definately not for the beginner, his size alone is a challenge, and the fangs at that size could cause serious motor damage to a hand.
Bella is a Lasiodora parahybana (Brazilian Salmon Pink). She is one of the giant breeds and stands at nearly 7 inches at only 2 years old.
Milly is a Brachypelma emilia, (Mexican red leg). When she is freshly moulted the colours are stunning. Here she looks more brown than black and orange.
This is Huyana who is an Avicularia huriana, (Ecuadorian Hedgehog). She is a beautiful species of Avicularia, and one that has been reported to be very docile. I know of 2 that are as sweet as pie.
In general a spooked tree spider can move incredibly fast, and please be aware that each spider is an individual and should be treated as such.
Teddy is a Theraposa blondi (Goliath). He is from the largest species of spider in the world. In this picture he is just over 7 inches. When he moulted he reached 8 inches.
These are definately not for the beginner and should never be handled.
E Mail Me
If you have any questions and would like to E mail me, please click here.
For moulting
For Links
Gallery with general care
for spermweb making
Photos of sperm web making!
The care and opinions in these pages are my own. I am not an expert, just a hobbyist who wishes to share what I have learned.
Click for sales
Click for Care
Basic guide to care.
My Tanks and how I keep my spiders.
Click for wanted
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Archived Guestbook Entries.

Due to a full Guestbook I have had to creat an Archive of older posts. Thank you all for your feedback.

Happy New Year 2008 everyone. I am very sorry that I have not updated for a while, but I now have Broadband and will hopefully be able to get more done here in the future. I hope you enjoy the site.                       Regards Tracey.