Anne Marie Fahey
by Traciy Curry-Reyes
Anne Marie Fahey, a woman who sought to end a 2 year relationship with her ex boyfriend, big shot lawyer, Tom Capano. Tom Capano murdered her, stuffed her into an ice chest and threw the chest into the sea. She had been missing for 3 days when her family reported her missing. Her body has never been recovered.
The Story
The Original Missing Persons Ad
Capano Solicits the Death of his Brother
CNN"s article and pics
Profiles of Key Players
Excerpts from Anne's diary

Article: "Without a Trace"
People's Weekly Article

George Magazine Article

Time Magazine Article

Another Article
go back to main index

Anne Marie Fahey's sister

Anne Marie Fahey's last boyfriend

Kay Capano and her Daughters

Debbie MacIntyre (Tom's mistress)

Tom's other mistress

Link to Crime Library: extensive coverage
from the website movies based on true stories by Traciy Curry-Reyes