Create Financial Freedom
by Tapping Into the Billions Spent
on Online Shopping!
GRAB your FREE Online Shopping Mall with 1000+ Stores
PAY YOU Every Time You Shop!
"If it sounds too good to be true, you've just found
My Power Mall!"
I hear from women all the time who were certain there was nothing really FREE on the Internet - until they found My Power Mall.  They also couldn't believe there was a way to create Financial Freedom and also make a difference in the world - until they found My Power Mall!

If you're skeptical it can be for real; join the Club. :)

You can find out for yourself however, by simply visiting us to find out, if the hundreds of women joining us every day have found something you should know about!








And, just for checking us out, we're going to give you 2 FREE E-books:

From the desk of:  Ginny Dye
My Power Mall
We are a company dedicated to helping people change their lives and empowering them to change the world as they create Financial Freedom.  It's just possible you have found the company you have looked for so long.   There is only one way to find out!

Fill out the form below to receive the information that will allow you to make a wise decision and find out why 100's of people decide to

Wishing you the ability to make your dreams come true!

Ginny Dye
I hope that you'll join me in creating financial freedom for yourself and helping others change their lives along the way. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Get your free copy of our e-books "Daily Power Boosters" & "101 Ways to Change the World" for simply checking us out.


Tracy Greene
Thrilled My Power Mall Member and User
1) Daily Power Boosters
Chock-full of stories that will empower and motivate you; stories of real people overcoming supposedly insurmountable odds to find success and fulfillment!

2) 101 Ways to Change the World
We believe every single person has the power to make a tremendous difference in our world. Too often we're just not sure what to do, how to help, or how or where to get started. These 101 ideas will propel you to get started, and then guide you as you move forward. No matter where you live; how much money you make (or don't make); whether you are healthy or sick; whether you are young or old; whether you are busy or have a lot of free time - YOU can make a difference!

You will receive your free ebooks via email.  Please watch for a confirmation email and respond to it so that we may send you your ebooks.  If you don't receive it in the next few minutes, please check your junk mail folder.
We will not share, rent, lease or otherwise give your details to anyone else. 
We hate spam as much as you do!
MY POWER MALL really is FREE.  There is no cost to you. EVER!

There is nothing to SELL.  All you have to do is shop in any one of 1000+ stores on your own Online Mall and buy whatever you and your family need and want.

If you choose a Business Mall it is still FREE but you can now give away FREE Malls and create financial freedom from all the purchases on your team.  Tap into the billions being spent online and create Unlimited Income!

There is no qualifying to receive your income.  When you make it, it is yours. Pretty simple.

There are no meetings.  People already know how to shop! 

All tools are FREE.  You are given everything you need.  
Free E-books from My Power Mall

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