Jeremy Spencer
Still Alive & Well
Rang Bhavan
Bombay India
January 1998

Jeremy's tour in India was done on behalf of the National Association for the Blind in India. This is the Spencer album that should have been made during the Fleetwood Mac heydays. It's a definite blend of blues classics, rock classics and 5 originals. Like Peter Green, Jeremy is a little rusty after all these years away from the tape recorders with a few off key areas on the vocals and some rusty slide licks but Spencer employs a great emulation of Elmore James - it's great.   Jeremy sings all of his covers but the raspyness in his voice in general has disappeared (to my surprise). All in all, this cd won't surprise you too much if you're a fan of FM. But live Jeremy Spencer is hard to find so it's best to enjoy it while you can.

  1. Announcer > Brown Eyed Lover
  2. Dynamite
  3. Stuck On You
  4. It Hurts Me Too
  5. Johnny B. Goode
  6. Roll Over Bethoven >>;'
  7. Bend In The Road
  8. You Don't Have To Be Black To Be Blue
  9. Bleeding Heart
  10. If It Wasn't For You
  11. Psychic Waste
  12. Telephone Blues
  1. It's Like Heaven
  2. Twenty Flight Rock
  3. Love Me
  4. Blue Suede Shoes
  5. All Shook up
  6. Red Sky Blues - in studio

Jeremy Spencer - slide guitar & vocals
Mike Creswel - Keyboards
Adrian Fernandes - Drums
Rupert Fernandes - Lead Guitar
Taufiq Qureshi - Percussion
Vas Myers - Bass
Jono D'Sousa - Keyboards, Synthesizer
Makoto Nobuka - Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar
Tim Forsberg - Percussion
Christy Gibson - Backup Vocalist
Joy Pascarelli - Backup Vocalist
