Valley Forge

An absolutely wonderful place to ride.

Basic Conditions:

Trailer parking is available at two locations, a large gravel lot at the end of the Visitor's Center lot, and a paved lot that backs to grass near Washington's Headquarters.

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The paved parking area at #5 on the trail map


Over 22 miles of wide cut grass paths and wooded hard packed dirt trails.  In addition, riding is permitted across the fields.

There is access to water from the path along Valley Creek leading to the Covered Bridge and near Lafayette's Headquarters.

Potential Hazards:

Curious tourists unfamiliar with horses

Road crossings and vehicle traffic on the driving tour-slow moving traffic on one-way roads

If you ride along the portion paralleling the railroad tracks, be aware that the trains do run and they are right next to you.   Prepare to cut out into the woods should the train approach.

Holes or debris in open fields


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A view from one of the grass
paths in December.

Hard packed trail
next to Valley Creek

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Rules & Restrictions: (Complete list available at Riding site)

Remain 100 feet away from monuments

Obey signs that indicated "no horses"


Park Map

Map thumbnail appears below.  Click on it to view larger map. 
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Maps are available at the Visitor's Center or download one from Valley Forge Digital Map.

Visit the official Valley Forge Park site.


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A view of the creek at the ford.


For directions see the park site above

Please write if you have any questions or comments: e-mail

visitors since 12/25/2000

Last Updated 07/12/2002

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