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Tesler, Esq. foreign divorce, leading causes of divorce, new york state child custody, dealing with divorce, divorce cases, free alimony calculator, divorce your parents, statistics on divorce, divorce texas, minnesota child support North carolina divorce records. )I. There is More than One Way to DivorceFew divorcing couples realize that there is a wide range of options to choose among for getting the necessary professional help in a divorce. At one end of the spectrum are those couples who can do it all themselves ("in propria persona," in legal terms), whether because there is little to disagree about, or because the couple is able to resolve differences without help. foreign divorce, leading causes of divorce, new york state child custody, dealing with divorce, divorce cases, free alimony calculator, divorce your parents, statistics on divorce, divorce texas, minnesota child support Changing schools after divorce. At the other end is the full-blown court battle--the dispute resolution process clients fear most, and rightly so. It costs more, emotionally and financially, than most people can afford to pay, and the results are rarely satisfying (regardless of who "wins") because of the lasting scars. The spectrum in between these extremes includes many choices, among them:. foreign divorce, leading causes of divorce, new york state child custody, dealing with divorce, divorce cases, free alimony calculator, divorce your parents, statistics on divorce, divorce texas, minnesota child support Kids family. . . Mediation. The mediator is a trained neutral (usually a lawyer, mental health professional, or accountant) who helps the spouses negotiate an agreement directly between themselves, usually without built-in attorney participation. Independent attorneys advise each spouse, outside the mediation process. . . . "Unbundling". The spouses, together or separately, act in effect as "general contractors," handling some parts of the divorce "in propria persona," bringing in lawyers, mediators, accountants, and other professional advisors only as an when needed. . . . Collaborative Law. A new, highly-effective process in which each spouse hires a family lawyer committed to, and specially trained in, devising creative "win-win" agreements. Binding commitments good-faith negotiating, full disclosure, acknowledgment of the needs of the other party, protection of the children, and avoidance of court proceedings are made by all participants. Other professionals (accountants, child development specialists, appraisers, etc. ) are retained jointly and work as neutrals. . . . Conventional settlement. The traditional process whereby each spouse selects an attorney who advises, investigates, prepares for trial, and at some point--whether early in the case, or the courthouse steps--brings the case to resolution by settlement. The process can range from amicable to highly adversarial, and can be costly or inexpensive, speedy or slow, depending on both the attorneys and the spouses. II. Choosing the Right Dispute Resolution Model MattersExperience suggests that each divorcing spouse begins the divorce process with a given degree of openness to compromise and settlement. Selecting the dispute resolution process that best suits the couple's unique needs maximizes the likelihood of out-of-court settlement. Choosing a process which is a bad fit can result in failed negotiations, anger, and a more adversarial divorce than might have been necessary.

Foreign divorce, leading causes of divorce, new york state child custody, dealing with divorce, divorce cases, free alimony calculator, divorce your parents, statistics on divorce, divorce texas, minnesota child support

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