The Crest and Symbol.
The crest of T.G.O.P.T.R.D.L.W.P.A.W.T.G.R.O.T. Where did it come from? From where did it come? What are it's secret and hidden meanings? All these I will seek to answer now. The crest is the brain child of former leader Bono of U2 and Current leader Benjamin David Lee Watson. Way back in around 2005 the two got together and began a rather violent fist fight, with Bono gaining the upper hand. Afterwards Benji, as he is called by close friends and eye doctor patients, went home and decided, whilst his serious head injuries were healing that T.G.O.P.T.R.D.L.W.P.A.W.T.G.R.O.T. needed a crest with which to identify itself. Soon after and thus the crest you see either before or above you (depending on the size of your monitor) was born!

Hidden meanings: Well to start I'll go the obvious and start with panel 3 of the crest. The mouse pointer. This points(it's meaning not the actual pointer) to our new and improved internet saavyness. NB. If you look at the pointer on a certian angle it almost looks like a war between the whites and everyone else. Now on to Panel 1. Sponge bob in black and white and the star of david in blue. These should be obvious to even the most stupidest of viewers and require no explantion. Panel 4. A cigar, why you ask? Because cigars are suitably awesome and have always been associated with racial strugles of the blacks and one time I saw a black blues muscian smoking one. Panel 2 The pope John XXX (not a porn or action movie star) This guy was known to most as perhaps the most prominant black and anti-white rights activist this side of your local 7/11
NB. his hat very much looks like the gun used to shoot down Dr. Martin Kuther King Jnr. Another black rights activista.

The Symbol: All great revolutionary organisations need a symbol, especially a red symbol. We opted for a simpler design, but they all ended up either a different color, rip offs of Da Vinci's "Madona on the Rocks(with a twist of lemon)" or far to offensive for the modern mans eyes balls. Thus the (what we're calling) Phisch-Schtika was born. I belive it's final design was created by the Current Grand Dragon of The K.K.K.

P.S the symbol is that thingy on all the buttons and in the middle of the crest.