Hmm, So what should I do with this site? Make it a blog, make it a fan site, let it sit here and be wasted for nothing? Not sure, though I did decide it was time to update this from a long long time. For now, I will direct you to my art site. Misunderstood It's a possibility I make a fan site to something, now to what I am not sure. t might be my x-men site, my teen titan site, my grim adventures of billy and mandy, I honestly don't know.

I would just like to say I appreciate people still coming here. I really do. It means I have made a serious sent in the internet.

If anyone would to give me some ideas and help me open up a website for something, pass me some ideas. I consider everything and think about everything so don't think your idea is stupid. Email them to Hopefully you will see something here soon in the near future.
