Trashing Andi formed during christmas break of 2002.  Original members Ross Sauriol, Ben Brady, and Ryan Pearse started the band as kickstart about 6 months prior. When Sunny Mittal came into the picture things started to take off.  Ryan moved on to playing guitar while sunny took over his duties on drums.  Trashing Andi excelled in their music and were never afraid of trying new styles and forms.  They have been influenced by a lot of the bands that they have shared the stage with locally and nationally.  Some of the bands they have played with as of yet include: poison the well, rx bandits, authority zero, dynamite boy, the reunion show, rufio, mix mob, antifreeze, cigar, my chemical romance, piebald, noise ratchet, dumbstruck, and further seems forever, to name a few.  Trashing Andi has developed quite a large local fan base in their short carreer and hope to spread their music to anyone who is willing to listen.