Love on the Internet

We're almost there!! Missy FINALLY has her police clearance and her 2 year temporary visa! Yippee!! She is allowed to work and has secured a full-time job. She can apply for her permanent visa in January 2004 when we will go through a similar process. But, all we need to prove then is that we are indeed in love and commitited to each other for a lifetime. That'll be a sinch! You've only got to look at us to know how much entwined we are! last we breathe!  No more trips in and out of the country; no more worrying about having to leave each other.....just pure loving and family time!

I have just resigned from my job as a youth worker to start a restaurant. It has been a pretty stressful 2 years and I felt with all the problems we had keeping Missy here and dealing with disadvantaged youths, day in day out, I needed a break. Perhaps that sounds a little silly because going into business is a whole new stress of it's own but it's a different kind of stress and one that I think I can better deal with!

We can really start to plan for our future now. My goal is to build the restaurant into a thriving business within the next 5 years and then sell it. I am 35 and Missy turns 40 in July and we both feel we have fit 2 life times into one already. I don't want to find we are old and grey and still having to work to make ends meet. We would both like to travel, later on, and have time together and with the kids and experience things by choice rather than must.

Life for both of us has been filled with struggle and I believe the time is coming when we no-longer have to do that. However, for us, life has always been met head on and I for one have no regrets. I feel very, very blessed for the life I have been given and the lessons I have been sent. And to top it all off, I was sent Missy. I have the 2 most wonderful children in the world and a partner, who I thought only lived in my dreams, right here by my side. How much better can it get!

Lesson for this month

As I said, life has been pretty stressful over the past 2 years. I realised a few weeks ago how much it really had started to effect me. In February, Missy had to go back to the States because there was a chance her Mum had cancer and she was really sick. Thankfully, it turned out to not be so serious. Then, in May she had to go again to see her daughter graduate. Both trips were very necissary but had also cost us about $7000! My stress levels were rising to an all time high. But, to keep myself busy, I decided to renovate the house.

It was about 11 o'clock at night and I was sanding the bathroom ceiling, getting it ready to paint. There I was, sanding
gently when all of a sudden a brick crashed through the ceiling, onto my head then foot. Now, I don't remember looking down at all to see what had hit me. I remember staring up at the ceiling where there was now a HUGE whole with red brick dust, cobwebs, dirt and grime pouring down on me. The more dust fell, the harder I laughed! I don't know if "hysterical" was quite the word but the pain in my stomach from laughing was much greater that the one on my head and foot! I just found it so unbelievable that a brick had literally fallen out of no-where! I called Missy straight away and finally, through little breaks in my laughter, told her what had happened. Together we laughed for ages and at the end of our call, she said "I haven't heard you laugh like that in so long...I love to hear you laugh". And it hit me (well, not just the brick) that in all our struggles, I had forgotten to laugh! I still chuckle when I think about it! I have glazed the brick and have it in a spot where I can always see it. It is my reminder, which all of us need, to
                                    NEVER FORGET TO LAUGH!

No struggle in life is worth taking away your laughter!

Life has been calmer since that night. We still have stresses, like every one else but we remember to laugh. And, we laugh together.