"Una giornata senza riso e' una giornata sprecata . . . A day without laughter is a wasted day."  An Italian Proverb

My name is Albert DePamphilis, and in the following pages I hope to share a little bit about my wonderful family. This site is dedicated to the memories of my father, Luigi, and my mother, Rachele, who, with love for their family, left a legacy of honor, respect, and pride for the DePamphilis name. They came to this country during some of the most adverse times that our nation has ever experienced. Through the Great Depression they raised five children, learned to speak English, and led a very happy life. They created the fondest of memories for us -- the wonderfully delicious food that Ma prepared (I can still smell the "sugo" cooking on the stove on Sunday morning with Carlo Buti playing in the background while Pa helped prepare the homemade spinach fettucini!), the preparing of the wine barrels in October for the wine making (which always seemed to happen on Halloween night!), the wonderful get-togethers with family and friends while my brother, John, played italian songs on the accordion, and everyone sang along. There are so many fond memories, in fact, that I think I could write a book about my childhood.

I have attempted on the following pages to record some of my family's history, some family photographs, and some facts about our heritage. I hope you enjoy this site, and I welcome your comments and input especially if you are a member of the DePamphilis family.
