Hiking and Trekking Rinjani Lombok Indonesia
Offering specializes personal guide volcanoes adventure all activities involving information traveling, transportation and recreation package Hiking, Trekking, Climbing, Champing and Cooking Mount Rinjani in Lombok Indonesia, visit more detail trekking tours destination complete information at http://www.trekkingrinjani.com

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Hiking and Trekking Mount Rinjani Lombok Island Indonesia

Take in the glorious mountain scenery of Lombok. Stop in the hills to see the stunning scenery of Mount Rinjani (Number 2 highest mountains in Indonesia), visit the many small islands and the beautiful surrounding. Ask your tour operator using the Bohari Adventures.

Hi there my name is Bohari come and joint with me to the summit 3726 meter!

Our hobbies beginning of adventure in the nature Free also likes climbing mountain Rinjani, and Seeing the many years of experience in studying nature, we start a business tour with the natural free-style backpacking. We provide services building trip to the backpacker and friends who want to study in Nature backpacking free to roam National Park Rinjani volcano, islands that are also exotic expedition do with us. to join in the event our trip, we hope there is the added value of activities not forgotten adventure in the outdoors, do not linger to contact us.

Our service is very different with the Trekkers agents in Indonesia and surrounding areas, the main services we provide healthy foods that have the stamina and endurance

We are Specializes & Personal Guide Adventure all activities involving program Hiking, Trekking, Climbing, Champing and Cooking offering tours of volcanoes around Mount Rinjani Lombok Indonesia

visit more our site at www.trekkingrinjani.com

Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The mountain is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with a height of 3,726 m above sea level and located at latitude 8 º 25 'and LS 116 º 28' BT is a favorite mountain climber for Indonesia because of the beautiful scenery. This mountain is part of the Mount Rinjani National Park, which has about 41,330 hectares wide and this will be proposed to be added so that 76,000 hectares to the west and east.


Administratively, this mountain is under the three districts, namely: East Lombok, Central Lombok and West Lombok. In the west there are Rinjani Caldera cone with a wide around 3,500 m × 4,800 m, stretching east toward the west you. Caldera is located in the Segara Anak (ocean = sea, lakes) 11,000,000 m wide square with a depth of 230 m. Water flows from the lake that formed the waterfall is very beautiful, through a steep ravine. In many of the Segara Anak goldfish and carp, java tilapia, so often used for fishing. With the blue color of the water, the lake is like the sea of children, because it is called "Segara Anak." The south lake is called Segara Endut. In the east side of Mount New Caldera there (the New Mount it), which has a crater the size of 170m × 200 m with a height of from 2,296 to 2,376 meters above sea level. This small mountain last burst in 2004.


Mount Rinjani have panorama that can be best among the mountains in Indonesia. Each year (June-August) visited many of nature from local residents, students, nature lovers. The average temperature around 20 ° C; the lowest 12 ° C. Gale in the usual peak occurred in August. Lucky the end of July, the wind is still quite weak and the weather is sunny enough, so climbing to the top can be done anytime.


In addition to the peak, which is often visited by Segara Anak, a crater lake at a height of 2,000 meters. To achieve this location we can climb from the village Senaru or Sembalun Lawang village (two entry points are at the height of 500 m and 1200 m). Most climber like the start of entry Sembalun direction, because it can save a height of 700 meters. Sembalun route rather long but flat, and more hot weather through the savanna because of the extreme (cold temperature, but direct sun radiation burning the skin). the hot sun cream is recommended.


From the direction Senaru climb without a pause, but soft because of the weather through the forest. From this location is the second time walking around 9 hours to hill lips at the height of 2,700 mdpl (arrived at Plawangan Senaru or Plawangan Sembalun). In this place overlooks the lake, and toward the outside is very good. From Plawangan Senaru (if rising from the direction Senaru) down to the lake through a steep wall to a height of 2,000 mdpl), which can be accessed in 2 hours. In the lake, we can camp, FISHING (Carper, carp, java tilapia) a lot. Lombok residents have a tradition of visiting the ocean for young swimming in the hot water and FISHING.


To reach the summit (from the lake) must walk uphill at the western wall of 700 meters and preachers hills at 1.000m by 2 in 3 hours and 4 hours. The first step toward Plawangan Sembalun, the last camp to wait for the morning. Summit Attack usual 3 o'clock early days the clock to find the beautiful moments - the sunrise at the top of Rinjani. Peak travel to the classified tolerable; because of its craters in the mouth with a margin of safety which barely. Medan, sand, stone, soil. Altitude of 200 meters last be followed with great difficulty, because one step forward followed by a half step down (sink rock gravel). Create Highlander - this is where the most popular and challenging because the field due to the severity with the beautiful natural scenery. Gunung Agung in Bali, Mount Merapi in Ijen-Bluff and Mount Tambora on Sumbawa clearly visible when the weather is good in the morning. To climb Rinjani is not necessary tools, enough stamina, patience and "passion".


Overall travel program can be achieved in three days two nights, or if you want to see two other objects: Cave and the mountains of New Milk it (Mount Rinjani child with a new crater in the middle of the lake) need additional time the two-day trip. Logistics preparation is necessary, but for everything can be obtained at the nearest village. Tents, Sleeping bag, equipment, food, food ingredients and what is needed (including radio communication) can be rented from a home-home in the village have been Senaru.


Silahkan kunjungi kami mendaki Gunung Rinjani khusus bagi orang Indonesia


My name is Bohari as a nick name, I was born in the village of Pasugulan, located under the foot of Mount Rinjani Lombok island, I experience my first adventure in Hiking, Trekking, Climbing and Camping Guide Personal Adventure all activities involving the program package Rinjani and also as my specialization offers a guide tour around the volcano Mount Rinjani Lombok, we also have experience in the Sasak Lombok Tours & Travel, I have been working since 1983 and I have also joined as a porter, now I can do your own cooking as a specialist and guide private special climb Mount Rinjani. This decade, I have experience with Mr. Chairman Sakewathy as the owner of Sasak Lombok Tours & Travel is a series of adventure he has been recommended as a tour guide especially in the Mount Rinjani. He (Sakewathy) travel bureau first time since the establishment of Lombok in 1970. We also offer special tours to various small island that is still virgin island especially Gili Nanggu, Gili Sudak, Gili Asahan, Gili Tangkong, Gili Ringgit and also has many in the know, namely Gili Air, Gili meno and Gili Trawangan, and you may be after the track or sports activities see the dense forest, so to see the beaches and swim wear snorkeling and diving around the small island, Gili's meaning is a small island (Isle) among the best small tour can be accessed in Lombok. All the islands are fringed by coral reefs that slope down to the sandy bottom in about 25m, although there are some walls. Visibility is generally around 15m. Fish life here is the main attraction and include white and black-tip reef sharks, sea turtles, cuttlefish, Moray eels, lobster, Manta rays, bumphead Napoleon wrasse and parrotfish. There are good sports such as sea sports Snorkeling just off the coast of the island; most of this small island's best dive cruises involve a short trip.

We would like to introduce Mr. Satya Budi (photo at right), who manage and follow up if there is demand climb Mount Rinjani also set all of my activities, namely; tent, sleeping bag, sleeping matt, cooking, fresh fruits and vegetables fresh the need to complete to Mt.Rinjani, If you want to know the set of activities will climb Mount Rinjani in private surf this web site and click on Bali and Lombok Global Business Information Services. I always hand him (Mr. Satya Budi) and to provide support and on my spirit and I also have the responsibility to do the work climb Mount Rinjani with guests both domestic and foreign guests, I am really surprised to see on my Web site, I feel happy and proud to have this job with a good look at the search site Google.com and Yahoo.com, my expertise in this web as a personal guide specialist adventure activities that involved all the packages climb Mount Rinjani in Lombok island, or we as a personal Trekking Adventure Guide and also as specialists in all program activities, which involve the skilling, Trekking, Camping and complete information that offers adventure tourism and Climbing in the volcanoes are around Rinjani Mountain Indonesian island of Lombok. If you have some demand in the travel package or climb to the top of the mountain Rinjani from 3,726 meters, also after Rinjani mountain trekking activities and direct them to the small island of Gili Nanggu, Gili Sudak, Gili Asahan, Gili Tangkong, Ringgit Gili Gili Air, Gili meno and Gili Trawangan, to the hotel with your budget, we can recommend cost through e-mail us

Mr. Satya Budi Comment: Almost all members of the community before the fans roads. There are the usual way on an issue, or even their own (solo backpacker). Among them, many of which have become members of a group of nature, although many also become enamored of roads after joining Bohari Adventures

Well, I expect the meeting with you at the first service at the Airport Lombok and parents to help or advise you on "how you can get to Lombok" with six (6) time schedule flight from Bali to Lombok or call us from AM to PM Bali - Lombok - Bali or by plane Silk Air of Singapore directly to the web site http://www.silkair.com Lombok, the service also expects the meeting in Senggigi Beach Hotel with the five-star hotel website http://www.lombok-global.com/senggigi-beach-hotel we will manage with a swimming pool Home private or real-estate complex tourism in the area of Senggigi also Pool Villa Club Senggigi Beach at http://www.lombok-global.com/poolvilla or I pleased contact to my office or in my home or wherever you are! Ring me our mobile phone: +62 812 376 1387 or our local cell +62 370 6659535


We accept the challenge to quickly trekking from Sembalun to Sembalun or from Sembalun to the Senaru village or until summit height of 3,726 meters Mount Rinjani, or you go back from sembalun to the Senaru village with Bohari, in just one day, or about 45 kilo meters, you are ready ????????


If you come with me, do not worry about food in the complete trip from Mount Rinjani National Park Lombok Island. We have to bring food around you, everything complete cooking vegetables stamina is better prepare rice, cheese, fruit, rooster, eggs, bread, biscuits and tents, lights, gas stove for cooking purpose, we know how to cook and take the initiative typical Chinese cuisine, European food and Indonesian food, so .. I will prepare something for breakfast toast, pancakes with honey original special, lunch and dinner soup, to see and click on the menu daily service table food & drinks Bohari Adventures mountain Rinjani Lombok

Do not forget, if you have a hobby you want to bring Kano, and enjoy sailing on the lake is very beautiful there, certainly not forget around the lake to take pictures of beautiful mountains that new mount and beautiful in the middle of this Mount Rinjani. when in the middle of the lake Segara Anak can bring fishing equipment fish in the lake Segara Anak "there is a very big fish" around 4.5 kg of porters will be happy if you do not eat freshwater fish, my hobby is all sports activities involving Trekking and the skills of adventure in Lombok. The best time to climb is between April to mid-September, I will wait which you have questions about trekking Mount Rinjani, we'll be happy to answer the request of trekking on Mount Rinjani volcano Lombok island.

On most days, especially in the wet season, the mountain is surrounded in clouds, so to get a good view of the sunrise you need to be at the rim early at East Plawangan or West Plawangan, porters and a guide will accompany you and carry all the gear, cook good meals and make sure you don’t get lost on the various tracks sport and good healthy

Mount Rinjani Crater Lake at about 2100m

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| Trekking 3 Day 2 Night | Trekking 4 Day 3 Night | Trekking 5 Day 4 Night | Trekking 6 day 5 night |
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Address Office : Jalan : Cendrawasih no 8 Cakranegara.Mataram code post : 83231.
Lombok.NTB.Indonesia. Telephone : +62 370 631271, Facsimile +62 370 631638
Mobile Phone: +62 8123761387 Local mobile: +62 370 6659535
Email Trekking Rinjani Information: info@trekkingrinjani.com

Commercial web site: http://www.trekkingrinjani.com

We will not go down (Song for Gaza)