Returning Celilo Falls
                                                                        the falls in 1937 - 2008 underwater photos of the intact falls


Celilo Falls is one of the most beautiful and powerful of places.

For as long as the elder people have memory, it has been a central place for Intertribal gatherings, ceremonies, celebrations and trade in the Pacific Northwest. Her pulsing and swirling energetic movements invigorate and enliven the waters, which in turn enliven all whom the River meets.

The River is the lifeblood of the region. The Salmon who expose themselves so clearly at the falls; they are the messengers, the connectors, the giveaway of the wealth of the oceans, the forests, the snowy mountains, the smallest of streams.

Celilo Falls is alive. She has nourished life for millenniums and the seeds of her have grown around the planet earth. Songs she has inspired centuries ago are sung by those of us who remember, those of us who have partaken, with consciousness, in the blessing that she is.

In March of 1957 the physical form of Celilo Falls was temporarily destroyed by the United States Army Corp of Engineers. This was an act of ongoing genocidal relations with the Elder people of North America and the sacred landscape.

At the museum which the United States government operates at the Dalles Dam, which flooded the falls, displayed words admit that the falls, which the dam destroyed, were the central landmark, gathering place of the elder people of the region from "time immemorial".

Amidst a deep betrayal of the most fundamental sources of life as created beings - the qualities of clear waters, air,earth and warmth - soveriegnity of self determination and access to the sources of earthly and spiritual nourishment, native peoples have kept a continuos vigil at the place of the falls. Each year at the honoring of the first salmon the old ways - the generous thanksgiving for all life is opened to all open hearted people.

It is our dream to inspire Celilo's return to the fullness of her dignity and healing life giving powers.


Returning Celilo Falls – A Simple Vision

By Treothe Bullock


Why we can all benefit from participating with the return of the falls.


Words of an Elder

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission


Describes experieces of the falls prior to and during the flooding of Wy-am (Celilo Falls) – photos -


Recalling Celilo

By Elizabeth Woody


“Building a Conservation Economy” with Ecotrust – the living reality of Celilo Falls is described by one who is personally rooted in the ancient lineages of Celilo


11,000+ years at the oldest village site in North America - Celilo

Center for Columbia River History


Historical accounts, documents, letters and photos



This site represents the beginning of a public movement to return Celilo Falls. Gratitudes to each and everyone who gives a part of themselves to holding this vision in your imagination. Share freely your experiences, inspirations and invitations to action. If you would like to be notified of updates to this site or of relevent upcoming events & actions let us know - we will include you on an email list.




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