The purpose of this web site is to keep the throngs of friends and family updated on Trevor's progress.


   On December 30, 2001, Trevor was tragically injured in a swimming accident in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Trevor and a couple of buddies were swimming when a wave hit Trevor. His head hit the bottom breaking his 5th cervical vertebrae. Trevor was flown to a hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico. As a result of his injuries, Trevor can not feel anything from his chest down. He has movement in his shoulders and arms but not his hands.

   An MRI done on January 2, 2002, showed a broken C-5 vertebrae and a bruised spinal cord. The spinal cord is not severed, which good news.

   On January 3, 2002, Trevor got pneumonia and was placed on a respirator. The doctors expected this to happen. The doctors want to do a surgical procedure that will use a piece of bone from Trevor's hip to fuse his neck. This is a common procedure. This can not be done while Trevor is on a respirator. Trevor can not talk or eat with the respirator on. He is very miserable and frustrated.

Trevor will not be going to the Mayo Clinic for a couple of reasons. First, the Mayo Clinic want a deposit because Trevor does not have insurance. Secondly, we would have to find transportation from Minneapolis to Rochester. Trevor will be going to St. Joseph's Hospital in St. Paul. They will accept Trevor without insurance, plus the Twin Cities is the Mecca of re-hab.

   We are trying to get Trevor out of here. Before he can be released he needs to have his neck stabilized to prevent further injury. This can be done by fusing his neck or putting on a "halo". If his neck is fused he can go on a regular flight. With a "halo" he would need an air ambulance. Every day we hope they will remove the ventilator so Trevor can have surgery

   Today, Janaury 10, 2002 Trevor's lungs collapsed. He was stabilized. This will delay the surgery and Trevor's travel plans.

   Just when you think things can't get any worse, we found out today, January 11, 2002, that Trevor is now bleeding internally. The doctors plan to give him two units of blood. We made arrangements to put a "halo" on Trevor, however Monday is a holiday. So, it looks like the dat to put the "halo" on is Tuesday. The doctor said if Trevor is stable he can be moved on Tuesday. We are making plans to move Trevor via air ambulance from San Juan to the Twin Cities.

   As you can tell, the situation changes daily down here.

  January 13, 2002, Trevor still has problems breathing but the doctor said he is doing better this a.m. His white blodd cells are elevated, which indicates an infection. The right bronchial tube looks plugged on the x-ray and they (the doctors) think this will be cleared. We hope the halo will be put on tomorrow.

   January 14, 2002, they want to wait as long as possible to put the halo on just in case they need to "pound" on Trevor's right lung. We hope to move Trevor to the Twin Cities Tuesday or Wednesday. I hate to even make another prediction date to move Trevor but we are hoping. Trevor has temperature at least two times a day. He has been very tired. It's difficult for him to sleep because the tubes in his nose (one tube for the respirator - one for eating) are very uncomfortable. This afternoon they gave Trevor something to help him sleep. He slept through most of our precious two hours of visiting. It has been so frustrating not to be with Trevor all the time. We sneak in when we can. We have been giving Trevor wour email messages and phone messages. He gives us a big smile! I'm sure he is appreciative of your thought and prayers.

   January 14, 2002, Trevor is still very groggy. He has a fever often during the day and the respirator is still in place. The doctors say the halo will be put on the 15th. We are hoping Trevor will be moved to the Twin Cities on the 16th. The doctors at St. Joe's and the doctor in San Juan have finally connected and are exchanging information.

  Many of you have asked about Trevor's physical and mental well being. The last few days Trevor has been heavily sedated so we can't say how he is progressing. We have been saving all the emails. Once Trevor is coherent (hopefully on the flight back) I will read them all to him. The last couple of days he hasn't been able to listen.

  January 15, 2002, the doctors say the halo will be put on this afternoon. Trevor has been bleeding internally which will be investigated today. Trevor's lungs are better today. I'm very frustrated with the limited visiting time. I tried to sneak in yesterday morning and I was escorted out by two security guards. This morining security stopped me at the entrance! Tony (Trevor's buddy) is also on their hit list. He has been with Trevor since the beginning and has been a Godsend. Tony's very good at slipping past security. We are buying disguises today. Thanks for all your prayers, emails and concern.

  January 16, 2002, Trevor will have the halo put on this afternoon which mean we will be leaving Puerto Rico Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. We should be in Minnesota at approximately 4:00 pm.

  Trevor still has the repirator on - hopefully it will be removed soon. It will be wonderful to be back home. If you want to send a card, you can mail it to my address:

Trevor Kern
c/o Melissa Moran
1647 Hickory Ln.
Eagan, MN 55122

  When Trevor gets to a room with a phone I will pass along that information. Trevor is more alert today. I should be able to read all your emails on the plane. Adios!

I will try to update this web site as soon as things change.


January 20, 2002, Pioneer Press - Trevor passed away Jan. 18, 2002 from results of a swimming accident in St. Thomas Virgin Island. We were able to fly Trevor home and he died at St. Joseph's Hospital, the same hospital where he was born. In his short 25 years, Trevor traveled extensively, and touched many lives. His radiant smile and sense of humor were contagious and his zest for life unmatched. Memorial Service 11AM Monday Jan. 21 at ST. JEROME'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 380 Roselawn Ave. E., Maplewood, and Lincoln, NE at a later date, and the Spring of 2002 in Skagway, AK. Because Trevor was loved by so many, his ashes will be scattered at each location. Trevor is in Heaven in the arms of his grandparents, Ray & Grace Moran. He will be sadly missed by parents, Melissa & Bob; step-mother, Linda; and sister, Jacy of Lincoln, NE. Other family members include grandparents, Don and Sis Kern; and Minnie and Pat McMonigal; many loving aunts, uncles, and cousins; and his extended family in Skagway, AK and special friend, Andi. In addition to his family, Trevor will be missed by all who knew him. Memorials in care of Linda Swanberg, 1380 Sigfrid St., Eagan MN 55122. Cremation Society MN Mpls 612-825-2435.

Guestbook for Trevor on St. Paul Pioneer Press web site.

Poem by Kayla

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E-mail Trevor's Family