Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: Bluemew676 Rating: G

Best Friends Part-5

I shook my head. I dove into Pallet River, and swam under the water. I was a good swimmer, so I could stay underwater for a while. Then, after swimming for seven laps, I dove under. And saw something that made me shiver.

There was Gary, wrapped in seaweed, with a poison mark on his right arm. I needed to get him to surface. I didn't even know if he was alive. I looked for something I could use to signal an adult.

I was wearing jeans. In the pocket was a whistle. I dove up, and blew as hard as I could on the whistle. I waved my arms and kicked my legs, blowing the whistle. I saw someone dive in the water, a man, I didn't know who he was but he was probably there to help me.

All the while, I never let go of Gary's shirt. The man came nearer, and soon, he lifted Gary and I up, and swam to shore.

I ran inside to change, and my mom grabbed me, hugging and kissing me.

I ran to Gary's side. He wasn't breathing. I touched his arm. It was cold, death cold. I knew what happened. I knew Gary was gone, with his sister, never to see me again. The doctors thought that the poison had killed him, but I know better.

I miss Gary, yes. I never countinued my journey. I trained Cyndaqil to be the best it can be, at home. Gary's mom moved away, and the only thing I have to remember Gary by is the Eevee statue he gave me.

The night after, lightning flodded my room. The lights went out. During the whole time the lights were out, the Eevee statue glowed bright blue. Guiding me to my mother through the darkness.

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