Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: Baby Clefairy Rating: G

Brock dates one of the Digidestine

This is my story of what I think would happen if Brock dated one of the Digidestin. I hope you like it!

It was a regular day. Ash and Misty were fighting over something, as usual (though nobody knows what exactly they were fighting about this time). Brock was talking about becoming a famous breeder, but nobody was listening because they were either fighting or, in the case of Pikachu and Togepi, just talking.

It was a mess of "And whatever happened to the bike you were gonna give me?"

"Pi, pika pikachu"

"I don't got the money yet, can't you see??" and "Togeprrriii".

Then, all of a sudden, 7 children and 7 Pokémon-like creatures fell from the sky. Everyone stopped and stared.

One of them got up and said, "My digivice is beeping again! Hey, what one of you are the 8th child? And how come that one doesn't have a Digimon?"(pointing to Brock).

Misty said, "The 8th what?" at the same time Ash said,

"A What-a-mon?"

At the moment Brock was staring at a girl with a Bird-looking thing, lovestruck.

"Who are you?" Ash asked. "We are the Digidestin," some weird guy with goggles on his head spoke up.

"I am Tai, and these are-"

A girl with a cowboy hat interrupted him. "We can speak for ourselves! And did you see that store over there? Maybe the have malls here, and I can sleep in a bed! Anyway, I'm Mimi."

The goggle-guy said, "And the rest of my friends are Sora, Izzy, Matt, T.K., and Joe."

At that time, Brock was talking to Sora, Matt and T.K. were talking to Ash, Mimi and Misty were already on their way to the store (Ash oversaw this and shook his head, muttering, "Girls..."), Izzy and Tai were playing with Izzy's computer, and Joe was worrying.

Then, once everyone was done (except Mimi and Misty still hadn't returned, and Brock took Sora to show her around), Ash asked Tai, the one who seemed to be the leader, how they got here.

He explained something Ash didn't understand, something about Digiworld, a summer camp in Japan, and something called an Agumon.

They set up seperate camps, and finally Misty and Mimi returned. They both had bought new clothes, and were going insane over them.

Then next day, the "Digidestin" decided to go off on their own and explore Pokémon Island - All but Sora and her bird-like Pokémon, called Biyomon. She was now dating Brock, and Misty was very mad (if you didn't know, she's had a crush on Brock since the day she met him! She goes insane when she sees him without a shirt on).

Misty decided that something had to be done to get rid of that Sora girl. Her and Togepi had a plan, and they were sure it would work. Togepi went and talked to Pikachu, and Pikachu was in it too. Misty talked to the Biyomon (it spoke English) and it said it would help, because Sora was ignoring her.

This was the plan: Biyomon would go find the rest of the Digimon people, then would hide. They would go get Sora and say they saw her Digimon and it was very upset because it had been neglected. She would go find it, and Misty, Ash, Brock, Pikachu, and Togepi would run far away from that area of Pokémon Island.

But they never had to use their plan, because one day Sora and Biyomon just rose back up into the sky, like a reverse of how they got there. Misty laughed and Pikachu and Togepi snickered.

Brock was very sad, so sad that he asked Misty to go out with him so he wouldn't feel so alone. So in the end, Misty got exactly what she wanted, a date with Brock, and the Digipeople were out of Pokémon Island, never to come back again!


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